Prestigious international and continental bodies, like United Nations (UN) and African Union(AU) respectively, should have been abiding by and honoring their charters. What belongs to a Republic cannot be exclusively given to one state of that Republic without the consent of the other...
Abstract Youth represent a very vital organ in any society. They are not only the future of Somaliland, but also a major stakeholder and useful resource in the nation-building. However, it has been suggested that a large rate of...
By Adam Muse Jibril The Freedom House has recently issued its annual report about democracy in the world with a world map, where a clear distinction between democratic countries and others were shown. In our region, the Horn of Africa...
The country is cultivated only 5% percent of its arable land and is not self-sufficient in food and most of our foods are imported from foreign countries. Cognizant of this, Ministry of Agriculture and Development started cultivation of Field...
It’s not coincident as history repeats itself, former minister Mr.Hirsi had been in a concealed political mission. He currently executed one of his vicious political missions with triumph as his latest victim was Mr.Seed of Wadani and also his...
One event can change the history of lives, counties, continents or the world. In the late 1970’s, a loose group of Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, business people with the name of Uffo tried to contribute to the development of Somalia,...
The Somaliland voters will go to the polls to elect a new leader in March 2017. That leader must have experience to protect our nation, with a bold agenda to build Somaliland’s economy, and a vision to move Somaliland...
Since the collapse of the Somali central government for nearly three decades ago, the aftermath history would simply hopscotch us through a gloomy era that wouldn’t please the Somali people in common but those in the South in particular....
Turkey could be asked to help. Today’s successor state of the Ottomans has promised to restore old buildings on the Sudanese island of Suakin, farther north up the Red Sea. The snag in Berbera is that the United Arab...
The International Community supports "Somalia" with millions of dollars to enable the country recover from 28yrs of chaos and instability. The money goes in to the accounts of the Federal Republic of "Somalia" (FRS), while FRS is most corrupted...