Additionally, in the press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Somaliland reaffirmed its commitment to “fostering strong bilateral relations with its neighbors including the strategic ally of Ethiopia based on mutual respect and cooperation”. IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 23, 2024 The Government...
Addis Abeba – Relations between Ethiopia and Somalia have gone through at least two major episodic moments since the coming into 2018. The first is related to the tripartite agreement between Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia, and its short-lived euphoria. As...
At least five people were killed when militiamen ambushed a convoy in central Somalia and seized heavy weapons, the local government and residents said on Tuesday, seven months after a decades-long arms embargo was lifted. The convoy was traveling on...
Hargeisa, Somaliland -The Government of the Republic of Somaliland expresses grave concern over the alarming escalation of arms proliferation in Somalia, as evidenced by recent events. In the past three months, Al Shabab has successfully seized substantial quantities of...
BY ANDREW KORYBKO The Somaliland issue has turned into a zero-sum dilemma with existential consequences for Ethiopia and Somalia. Turkiye mediated talks in Ankara between the Ethiopian and Somalian Foreign Ministers over Ethiopia’s MoU with Somaliland, which aims to give Ethiopia military-commercial...
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) lashed out at the Somali government for “refusing to engage in dialogue” to put an end to the diplomatic tensions that have marred relations between Mogadishu and Addis Ababa over the last six months. During...
Addis Abeba – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed told lawmakers today that it was not necessary for the government neighboring Somalia to go around other countries to accuse Ethiopia when issues between Ethiopia and Somalia due to the former’s attempts to...
By M.A. Egge The Minister of the Ministry of Information, Culture and National Guidance who is also the official spokesperson of the Somaliland government Hon. Ali Hassan Mohamed (Ali Marehaan), has pointed out that since the nation signed the crucial...
By M.A. Egge The Minister of Animal Husbandry and Rural Development of Hon. Saeed Sulub Mohamed, has called upon all Somalilanders of all walks of lfe, the young, the old and sundry to jealously guard the essence of the nationhood...
Talks in Turkey between Somalia and Ethiopia failed to yield any tangible results for Somalia with an additional round scheduled for September. The Turkish-facilitated talks sought to ease tensions between Ethiopia & Somalia following Somalia's backing down from the...