Ten recently elected Councilors have resigned from their post in lughaya and Saylac council both in Salal region due a resolve that came after elders from Issa community.
The 10 Councilors revealed the reason which prompted them to resign as being the inaction by the government to intervene and address their grievances which aroused from last year’s 28th of November local elections announced this during a press conference they held in the town of Haridad yesterday.
The councilors have in the past declined to acknowledge the new mayor Suleiman Eidle of Saylac who is from a minority clan namely the Gadabursi clan.
Efforts by the several cabinet ministers to reconcile both sides proved impossible after they refused to reach a compromise.
Here Are the names of those who quit their posts:-
1)-Geesh Aden Bille,Saylac.
2)- Aden Abdilaahi Boodhle, Saylac.
3)-Abdinaasir Jama Hosh, Saylac.
4)-Mahmoud Egal Wacays, Saylac.
5)-Ahmed Yassin Mohamed Barkhadle, Saylac.
6)- Ahmed Migil Ciil-tire, Saylac.
7)-Said Muse Giirre, Saylac.
8)- Hassan Mohamed Dhimbiil, Lughaya.
9)-Muumin Muse Duale oo ka tirsanaa, Lughaya.
10)-Ibrahim Jama Maydhane Lughaya.
Goth Mohamed Goth


    • these so called councillors have taken right choices when they abandoned their so called post…

  1. No problem the Councillors second in line from other parties will take their positions as dictated by Somaliland National Electoral commission.

  2. Isse are so tribal. They prefer to follow order from their young so call Ougass living in Dire Dawa than to sit With their own gov or brother Gadabursi.Well they have to understand Somaliland is not Djibouti where their clan rule without really power sharing since their independence but there is peace Bcoz Dir brother Issaq and Gadabursi love peace too. Imagine just walanweyn and faqash live there too lol could not be more lucky koi.

  3. This is a very bad advise for Isse community. What advantages will they get by quitting? They could make a big changes within the council itself instead of pulling out. I hope they will come to their sense and find a solution to this crisis, which if not solved will not be beneficial to anyone who lives in those two districts.

  4. Is it not their given right to show their displeasure with the pretend Government or should they be silent and walk with their heads down.

  5. who is from a minority clan namely the Gadabursi clan.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk shame shame on you, this is democratic election isn't it they are missing the point , they should work with their brothers and their land if they are pure citizens but they shouldn't claim in a such way

  6. It’s unfortunate that the Ciise community are not thinking right. By making the issue a Ciise issue, they are affectively spreading any problems that may arise from this to Jabuuti and Ethiopia. I think Jabouti and Ethiopia s should take firm action against the people in their jurisdiction and Somaliland should make it clear that this is a Somaliland issue and should be resolved through Somaliland. What create the chaos in the Horn is people who have no boundaries and making all the countries in the region prone to instability. People should be told to respect the laws of their respected countries.

  7. Ciise leadership has failed miserably to abide by the results of the Nov 28 election. They failed to recognize and utilize the legal channels that are available to resolve election issues, either true NEC or Judiciary (including lower and upper courts). In addition, despite government initiatives to resolve their issues in traditional methods as well as government sponsored legal methods, they failed to move forward to come to an understanding. So far their action has been to use the blame game, manufacture unfounded allegations and to boycott every opportunity intended to reasonably defuse any election crisis. The work of the counselors and the community is at stand-still and is brought to a halt.

    Time has come to stop this non-sense and move forward with the work of the local government and the people. The issues should not be tribalized not should it be used to sour the good relationship that exists between the local clans. There are plenty of legal actions that can be taken to address any legitimate grievances that exist, it is time they learn the law and move to resolve these issues by a democratic means.

  8. This was a sham election and a disservice to the good people of Saylac and Lughaya. People were denied to vote in a manner absent of intimidation and fear of retaliation. People in this great state of Salal are no better off today than they were when the old regime of Somalia governed the country. They have every legitimate right to voice their displeasure of the status-quo and demand better governance, economic development and inalienable right to choose their own leaders – after all these are the core principles in a democracy to not only survive but thrive.