What has happened in Ainabo is not only wonderful for our trademark pacification tradition that reconciles both quagmire issues and people, it is indeed yet another milestone that gets its laurels tagged onto our lapels. As we give kudos to...
  The level of Avarice (greed) among some of the omnipotent leviathan businesses operating in Somaliland’s free market is astounding, callous businesses operating incessantly with impunity that hoard, collude, manipulate and inflate already artificially-inflated commodity prices. However with the advent...
The sudden nose dive taken by the US dollars may be good for the SL Shs but the panic resultant has had tremendous effect on the life of the populace, lessening their purchasing power even more. All Somalilanders would naturally...
It is true that the drought has bitten the land and its fangs have sunk deeply. It is also a fact that the people and their livestock has had a lot of misfortunes befall them. While the situation is indeed poor,...
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While we are happy to be walking humbly with the rest of the world and help those in need of refuge to temporarily roost in our country, however in our small way, what really matters and that has not...
Whereas people have rights to agree to disagree so too do they have rights of disagreeing to agree. We have always held the outcomes of our Guurti verdicts as quite tenable for the past two decades. Whatever decisions that they...
Politicians shouldn’t render folks asunder We have to emphasize support where they are due. If it could be remembered, this column’s annual resolution on the eve of the 2011 New Year was an appeal to the government to prioritize water issues. Almost...
Whatever happens as concerns the tripartite political conciliatory talks pitting the state and the ruling Kulmiye party on one side and the opposition ones, Wadani and UCID on the other, Somalilanders believe strongly hence rests assured that the impasse...
It is a fact that when it comes to private schooling in the country, an illegitimate aspect contrary to expected international educational tenet has been made a perpetual norm in SL. It of course comes to us as no surprise...