Last week we ran in this column an appeal to politicians to prioritize the grave situation that SL people are in due to the severe famine which has not seen rainfall for the past three seasons. Since then, the thing...
Whenever elections are around the corner, its fever grips many a nation. Now that ours is high on the agendas, hullabaloos and un-necessary cries of foul are heard from all quarters that matter. We do know that political climates usually hot...
It is true that there was spate of a lot of youth menace whereby mugging was not done by professional thugs, but more often than not, youth overwhelmed by fad sprees. That the state took a bold step and nipped...
Hargeisa, Jul 19 2009 (Somalilandpress) -- As the calendar for the Somaliland presidential election approached, and as Kulmiye party which lost the last round yearned to go on the top this time, then serious, irreconcilable disagreement emerged, which caused...
  Let the GUURTI do its job Whenever elections are around the corner, its fever grips many a nation. Now that ours is high on the agendas, hullabaloos and un-necessary cries of foul are heard from all quarters that matter. We do know...
Hargeisa, Somaliland - The Somaliland government's disregard for the law and democratic processes threatens the territory's nascent democracy, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The administration of President Dahir Riyale Kahin has committed human rights violations...
The government plan to replace the traditional charcoal as alternative fuel to either that of coal, gas or kerosene/paraffin or/and electricity as source of energy for use in basic cooking is of course quite welcome. The real issue is not,...
Right ho! Goes the rallying cry of the cattle herders in the Wild West as they bark orders to embark on their normal chores and daily duties. Right ho! We say to fellow Somalilanders for it’s a new chapter in...
Progress can only be formulated, nurtured, developed and sustained through togetherness A palm can never clap in solitude More and closer rapport needed The main message the President is trying to impact to Somalilanders as he criss-crosses the regions in a hectic...
We join all patriots in hailing the SL team for the Turkish talks and praising them for their move which was quite bold. The action they did was indeed what the constitution of the land expected them to do. Given...