18th_May_picture_of_OmerHE Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Adam,


3rd March, 2015




Today is the day that we finally understood what the President of Somalia stands and how wickedly he believes that he can change the course of our people? It’s also the day that the politicians of Somalia do not want a peaceful settlement in a mutual divorce that both will benefit. It’s the day that we finally seen the relentless hate that 100% of the people of Somalia have for this country and its people.

The only option in my view is you to mobilize the mass to see what is at stack and how best we can confront the intended aggression from the part of President Hassan of Somalia and those who team-up with him against Somaliland country. We have been too nice ignorantly for the past 24 years, believing that we share the name Somali, like others around us, but they show their true color today, and I believe there is no room to continue treating them brothers, but enemy number one of this nation.

Hence, it’s the day that we should all come to oneness and create a powerful mass protest in every region of this country to show the world that we are serious about out guest of statehood. It’s the day we must show the world that this country has people to defend and will not surrender to any power that obstruct the road to liberty and statehood.

The International Community, who is ignoring the Best Kept Secret in Africa, will realize bitterly, that they made mistake by not helping this country that has the right to self-determination once again after 55 years of its birth from the British Protectorate [1884 up to 1960]. In this world Sir, nobody respects the peace-loving people, and that is true today in this world.

We therefore, have the right to decide and defend our guest for statehood, by getting ready for the eventuality. It’s in my view that we will one day face the fact that President Hassan and his people will try to mess-up with our country forcefully, and the IC will intervene very lately, because they do not have the vision to see things before they happen, or intentionally do things for their interest.

I personally foresee, that the wicked President of Somalia is not honest to see two state-solutions, but will seek support from some countries and individuals, to destabilize Somaliland and eventually use military means to concur our land.

Last but not least, Mr. President you must change the venue of this useless discussions to somewhere else which is partial venue or stop all together take a difference of diplomacy to achieve what your people are elected you.



Omer Hussein Dualeh

Hargeisa – Somaliland

Omer Hussein Dualeh,
Hargeisa, Somaliland,

Cellphone: 00252 63 4443262

email:omer.dualeh @gmail.com