By Jama Feyte

The Somaliland National Party “WADDANI” held a commemoration event marking the 33rd anniversary of the restoration of Somaliland’s Independence from the failed Somali Republic government led by the late Dictator Mohamed Siyad Barre government.

Hon.  Hersi Haji Ali, the Chairman of the Somaliland National Party “WADDANI” speaking to party supporters attending the event marking the 33rd anniversary of the restoration of Somaliland Independence said, “I would like to use this opportunity to express my congratulations to fellow Somalilanders, members of the various Somaliland Armed Forces and party followers on the occasion marking the 33rd anniversary of the restoration of Somaliland Independence.

Hon.  Hersi Haji Ali, further added that The Somaliland National Party “WADDANI” will improve the quality of life for military personnel and their families. “Our service members represent the best our nation has to offer and our central to our national security, and we shall prioritize funding for military quality of life improvements as stated in our party manifesto. He promised to work towards releasing the members of the Somaliland Armed Forces currently held as prisoners by the SSC tribal militias in the Sool region.

“Once upon elected the Somaliland National Party “WADDANI” shall improve the living conditions of the members of the armed force by providing them with a pay rise, free housing and accommodations, and access to medical care, including health services for family members”, he said.

Hon.  Hersi Haji Ali further went on to say that the Somaliland National Party “WADDANI” upon elected shall also review the structure of the armed forces and the methods used to award ranks and they shall abolish all tribal armed militias by incorporating them into the various establishments of the national armed forces

He added the President of the Republic of Somaliland HE Muse Bihi Abdi today in his speech pledged to ensure a level playing field in the upcoming Presidential elections, and also echoed former President Dahir Rayale’s words of wisdom that cautioned against virulent words by politicians during the electioneering campaigns period.

Hon.  Hersi Haji Ali, the Chairman of the Somaliland National Party “WADDANI” urged party members and followers against hate speeches, malicious and mockery in public utterances that may fan seeds of discord among the communities and tarnish the party. He urged party members to ready themselves for the upcoming Presidential elections slated for the end of the year.