This project aims to support Somaliland’s form four secondary school girls who are preparing to sit for their final year of secondary education. In Somaliland, generally, access to secondary education is very poor due to lack of infrastructure including unavailability of schools and due to school fees which are beyond the economic ability of the majority of the parents. In particular, girls are disadvantaged both in terms of access to education and also in terms of academic achievements. The 2014/2015 National Education Management Information System (EMIS) academic year data indicates a secondary education Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) of 21.3(17.1% female) and Net Enrolment Rate (NER) of 10.4% (9% female).

This project aims is to improve learning outcomes for form four female candidates in Burao town, Somaliland, by providing extra supplementary classes in key curriculum subjects of Mathematics and Science. The contracted teachers engaged by the project will not only provide academic support but will all also inspire girls to fulfil their potential. Mentoring activities will be integrated into the academic support provisions. Supported girls will be encouraged to pursue higher education courses that are related to science, maths and technology. The candidates will fill the skills gap widely existing in the region by taking the roles like midwives, gynecologists, teachers, nurses, accountants and other professions where there is an acute shortage of female professionals. The project also will reduce a negative culture and attitude against girls as well as reduce drop out and repetition rate for female students which is very high in Somaliland, thus promoting the secondary education completion rates.

The project will increase the learning resources available to girls. Teaching and resources and transport allowance will be provided. Currently the majority of household bread winners are females. The interventions will reinforce the existing gender reversal and as a result more females will be empowered to escape poverty. Educating girls will result in increased family income and their daughters will likely follow their mother’s footsteps which translates to wider community development and better future prospects for the wider society. As part of the project a campaign will be conducted to counter the perception that educating girls is not important by show-casing educated women from previous generations and their input to the society.