Healthy mothers and babies are the foundation of a society. The best way to ensure the health of mothers and babies is to develop universal, well-functioning and high quality antenatal care (ANC). National, properly implemented ANC guidelines represent a fundamental key to this goal. Somaliland s ANC is challenged by numerous factors.

The Somaliland Ministry of Health and Development (MoHD) is doing rigorous work to overcome the challenges, and these new ANC guidelines are a part of that mission. The guidelines are based on the latest 2016 WHO recommendations.

The MoHD has curated them with their chosen team of experts to meet the specific needs of Somaliland. The team led by the MoHD consisted of local ANC workers, a representative of WHO, INGOs, NGOs, midwifery training institutes, universities as well as international experts.

The guidelines are targeted to all ANC professionals, traditional birth attendants and family workers, training institutions, students, INGOs, NGOs, and funders, as well as those planning and developing the ANC services in Somaliland. With these new guidelines, we once again bring evidence-based improvements to ensure safe pregnancy and childbirth to every woman in Somaliland.
