Xafiiska Iibka iyo Suuqgaynta Horn Cable TV oo Quful wayn lagu Xidhayo
Xafiiska Iibka iyo Suuqgaynta Horn Cable TV oo Quful wayn lagu Xidhayo
Askarta Booliska oo ka hor intaan la xidhin wada hadlayaan Maxamed-ilig
Askarta Booliska oo ka hor intaan la xidhin wada hadlayaan Maxamed-ilig
Weriye oo Dhegaysanaya Hanjabaada Askarta
Weriye oo Dhegaysanaya Hanjabaada Askarta
Hawl-wadeenada TV-ga oo Daawanaya Markii Askartu Kaxaysay Weriye Ilig
Hawl-wadeenada TV-ga oo Daawanaya Markii Askartu Kaxaysay Weriye Ilig
Gaadhii Booliska ee Lagu Qaaday Madaxa Wararka Horn Cable TV
Gaadhii Booliska ee Lagu Qaaday Madaxa Wararka Horn Cable TV
Studio-ga Wararka ee Horn Cable TV
Studio-ga Wararka ee Horn Cable TV
Muuqaalka Gudaha Horn Cable TV
Muuqaalka Gudaha Horn Cable TV
Muuqaalka Gudaha Horn Cable TV
Muuqaalka Gudaha Horn Cable TV
Source: Somalilandpress


  1. waxanu aad iyo aad ucanbaaraynaynaa xukuumada riyaale
    falalka ay kula kacayso bulshada somaliland
    gaar ahaan saxaafada waxaananuugu baaqaynaa in lasoodaayo si ded ded ah sxbka dadweynaha jamhuuriyada somaliland
    mr maxamed cabdi ilig

  2. ascww…dhamman jsl waxaan aad uga xumahay
    falalka foosha xun ee ay ku kacayso
    xukuumadda riyaale maalinbamaalint a kadanbaysa
    waxaa naanu u aragnaa
    hadaanu nahay bulshada ku dhaqan g/togdheer
    GUUL Darro soo wajahday
    mudane daahir r.kaahin (ZIYAD2)
    isaga iyo xisbigiisa udubba
    waxan ku boorinayaa
    in si degdeg ah loo soo daayo sxbka dadwaynaha
    mr maxamed abdi ilig

  3. Dont bother people, rayale is trying to kill any hope of somaliland being democracy. First the voter registration are not electronic, so he is going to rig the votes using the old counting by hand system.

    Now no free-press, a free press is fundamental of democracy it keeps the government accountable to the ppl and informs the public what is happening.

    No free press, voter-registration wont be electronic, awdal is most likely going to join somalia, ssc was long gone, and even within ourselves i am seeing more n more pro-somalia elites from berbera, burco, hargeisa erigavo, etc.

    The foreign policy disaster in washington has sealed recognition failure. There is not 1 investor that has built anything worthy in somaliland to help move the country forward. Economically we have living standard of $1 dollar a day whilst somalia is enjoy 5 time living standard.

    I used to be patriotic somalilander untill i started seeing it is not going to be reality and it is better to focus on real things rather then fantasy.

    Rayale has now made lost all hope for somaliland, we are now entering dictatorship era and looking like we will have civil-war. Qabil is always going to be around, if habar jeclo is president for long time a habar yonis will get upset and vice versa. We are not immune to qabilism. 80% of our parliament is isaaq yet we like to say we have multiple clans living our land. But we all know they want nothing to do with somaliland..

    I am now into helping in somalia related activities kind of rageh omar brother tfg foreign minister, i will most likely head down that path and more somalilanders are also. I love my ppl but i dont love living a lie anymore. Hargeisa has always been apart of somalia we just tried to deny it. If oromia says their not apart of ethiopia does it mean they are not? of course they are and part and parcel of ethiopia even though they might think their not.

    Wake up guys the somaliland train was nice ride, but its time maybe u start deciding when you get off. Next stop is MOGADISHU.

    • Abrirazak, I agree with you to wake up and start a new era. but I disagree, how we up……………… election is the only way to do something, nothing else. If there is another idea in your mind, please put it in a dark hall.

    • waxaan aad u jeclaan lahaa dadka aad moodo inay ka lumeen wadadii ay hays teen inaan idhaa waxaa idiin haboon inaad dadka waydiiso kolba halkaad marayso waayo dee waabad luntay markaa waar intaad ku mashquul santiin dad wax samaystay idinku tiina maxaad wax uga samayn nwaydeen hahahahahahahah waa layaab <>,.<>

  4. waakumahadsantin webkiina warka aad nasoo gadhsisen waxense ka xumahadeey waxey samaneyso Dowloda daddkani doorteen.

    • Dowladu danbi la'aan ayay ku xirdhay t.viiga waa eed iyo xadgudubkii daahir riyaale ee nacaybka dadka aan udub ahayn sidaas darteed waa in dadku ka kacaan oo la isku tago sidaa loo ridi lahaa xukunk qaraqooshaka dahir riyaale thanks abdi dheere.

  5. i think u will end up to Mogadishu alone Mr.Abdirazak No somalilander real will think of riding that train at all even if it is heading to Heaven. Enjoy your trip alone to Mogashishu and bon vayage.

  6. Breaking The Silence-Its heart breaking to watch my beloved it country in conditions. My heart bleeds to all my brothers and sisters and especially those who gave their life and those live the heroic scares of freedom. But I am not surprised this treatment what are you expecting from this men and his labdogs.Its us who let happen, its us who hand over freedom, our ccountry, to ungratefull criminals.

  7. Rayale we kiibray time to send him back to Dila, no more guys, lets shoot this dictator, he is going too far, him and his fat lady.

  8. Hi All
    I wish i would have been president Rayaale, he is a wise president he controls the outrageous clans that you all know and he still kept them on the same path – the clans we are from does not understand what governance is, they are lead by 99% illiterate folks and are vulnerable to any future disintegration.
    If i become the president one day in the future – then there will be no political parties and obviously no press at all.


  9. Rayaale is on way of his former employer-Siyad Barre… we will see where his way ends into!!!!!!!

  10. Bravo Rayaale, Everybody Knows all those So Called Press in Somaliland are more trabilisam…. and they not good for free soceity their actions… Also they have shut down the Jamuuriya news paper