Somaliland Public Affairs Committee and British Somaliland Citizens Organisation inconjunction with Kulmiye Party presents a conference on the development of Somaliland.

The agenda of the evening includes the following but is not limited to the development of Somaliland and in particular the conference will look at Somaliland health system, education, agriculture and life stock, economic development, social development, freedom of expression, and the environment. We will also look at Kulmiye party role in democracy building in Somaliland and the preparation for the next election in Somaliland. In addition will would look at the relationship and corporation of Somaliland and Britain in areas of economic development, political development, social development and counter-terrorism.

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Waxaa dhamaan laamaha UK, iyo dhamaan dad weeynaha tageerayaasha xisbiga kulmiye iyo cidii kalee danaaynaysa isbedelka siyasadeed ee Somaliland la ogaysinayaa inuu xisbiga Kulmiye ku qabanaayo bariga magaalada London gaar ahaan xaafada Tower Hamlets,Shirkan oo aay soo qaban qaabiyeen Gudida fulinta ee Bariga London gaar ahaan xaafada Tower Hamlets iyo Somaliland Public Affairs Committee and British Somaliland Citizens Organisation. Sidaas aawgeed waxaa dhamaan tagerayaasha xisbiga si xishmad leh looga codsanayaa inaay ka soo qaayb galaan shirkan.Ulajeeda ugu weeyn ee shirkan ayaa ah inaay xubnaha hogaanka ka mida ee dalka jooga iyo MPyada dalka jogaan tagerayaasha uga xog waramaan starategyda xisbiga ee guud iyo haawlaha doorashooyinka foolka inagu soo foolka haya.

The Guest Speakers:

Mayor of Tower Hamlets: Mayor Ahmed Omar

Abdirahman Abdiqadir farah – Gudoomiyaha labaade Xisbiga

Dr Mohamed Abdillahi

Dr Abdi Aw’Dahir

Hussein Elmi Rooble – Xildhibaan

Ikram Haji Daaud – Xildhibaan

Ahmed Adani – Gudoomiyihii horee gudida dorashooyinka

Ahmed Ali Goodir – Xubin Gudidii horee Doorashada ah

Ibrahim Hussein – Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga UK

Mohamed Yonis
Laamaha Xisbiga ee London/Uk


Drapers Lecture Theatre, Queen Mary University,Mile End Road,London E1


Friday 15 January 2010
6:00pm – 9:00pm


Stepney Green and Mile End Station

Buses: 205 ,25, 309 ,D6 ,D7 and 276

Wixii faah faahinee intaas dheer fadlan kala xidhiidh haawl wadeenada hoos ku qora:

Contact details:

Awale Elmi – Gudoomiyaha Somaliland Puplic Affairs Committees-07904788848

Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed – Gudoomiyaha- British Somaliland Citizen Organisation 07538734039

Kaayse Geele xidig – Gudoomiyaha Bariga London- 07538753480

Siciid Xaaji Xassan- Afhayeenka iyo isku xidhaha Bariga London

Jaamac Cali Muuse – Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Bariga London – 07507567793

C/Raxmaan Cali Togdheer– Somaliland British Ctzn Org -07950195174

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