The Deputy Ambassador of Somaliland to Ethiopia Barkhad Kariye gave a passionate emotional speech concerning the essence, meaning, and depiction of what the 18th Day of May means to the larger majority who comprise of youth and what it stands for to them.

He gave the address in a well-parked hall in the capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa in an event heralding commemoration of the day that the nation of the Republic of Somaliland re-asserted its independence that it first earned from the colonial masters, the then British Empire hence later entered an unfateful union with the Italian Somaliland of Mogadishu without having the legal binding Charter of the Union being signed.

The subsequent perpetration of intimidation, torture, and ultimately genocide ensued a prolonged bitter war that saw Somaliland sever its ties and re-establish its essence as a sovereign entity again.

Ambassador Barkhad noted that the young members of Somalilanders view the lost time in the untenable illegal union with the South as a dark and painful memory forever etched in their minds.

He emphasized that he saw the 18th May as a sacred day meant to remember and honor all those who stood for, fought for, or died for the struggle of re-establishing Somaliland’s sovereignty that today has seen to it that the youth prosper and continue building their nation.

He paid special tribute to the fallen and alive veterans for their bravery in saving the nation and its people through their steadfastness in the bitter struggles.

He profoundly noted the moral and material support they put into the struggles, precisely their blood and sweat.

He profusely thanked the neighboring Ethiopian government for having fervently stood by Somaliland through thick and thin from the times of the struggles.

The elaborately organized and marked event saw the attendance of reps of international entities, Ethiopian and Somaliland government officials, Somalilanders from the country and abroad, and scores of eminent personalities.

Though held ten days late, various speeches and concerts dotted the all-night long celebrations.