The early years and independence 1936-88

The British, who already control Somaliland, oust the Italians and occupy Italian Somalia. British and Italian parts of Somalia become independent, merge and form the United Republic of Somalia in 1960.

Somalia becomes a socialist state and nationalises most of the economy. In 1974 a severe drought causes widespread starvation. Fighting breaks out between Somalia and Ethiopia. Fighting continues until 1988.

Break up of Somalia 1991-2007

Somaliland declares unilateral independence and a power struggle begins between clan warlords.

In 1992 US Marines land near Mogadishu ahead of UN peacekeeping forces sent to restore order and safeguard relief supplies.

US Army Rangers are killed when Somali militias shoot down two US helicopters in Mogadishu in the battle depicted in the film Black Hawk Down. By 1995 both the US and UN have left.

Fighting breaks out between Islamic and other Somalian groupings. Ethiopian troops enter the country.

Al Shabaab come into existence as a fighting force in 2006 after defeating the clan warlords in a battle for Mogadishu. Extremism and war 2007-12

In 2007 UN-mandated African Union peacekeepers arrive and pitched battles break out between them and Islamist militia Al Shabaab.

A transitional government is formed and steps are taken to set up a regular Somalian army.

In 2011 Al Shabaab is pushed out of Mogadishu after heavy fighting with African Union and Somali government forces.

The first Somali parliament is sworn in at Mogadishu in August 2012.

Irish Independent


  1. It peeves me how majority of people talk as if this is our only history. What peeves me even more is that fact no one except usually a few hand full people will mention that we have a history that stretches far back, a history older then many nations. Our history may not be the oldest, but it certainly is not the youngest.

    The people of western Europe tend to tell you of their beloved history, like for instance how Greeks invented democracy, yet leave out how the Islamic empire, knew the world was not flat long before they did, or how we revolutionized mathematics , astronomy, its funny how they forget to mention that even though the Islamic empire was younger, their are many people who have done great things for this world, yet white Europe wants us to praise there history as if its our own, till this day they are trying convince their culture is better and that we should imitate them, yet the few honest historians will tell you prophet Mohamed (pbuh) had more good influence on humanity then Europe itself.

    • You are right! But hey with the likes of Abdiwahab and buuxiye etc being active on this web just to defend a pack of lie, one would ask itself, are there Somalis out there purely recruited by foreign powers just mislead and divide the people? If so, does the one who is being recruited really thinks that he will be left alone when they are done finishing his brothers and sisters?

      • Abdiwahab is laughable, But Buuxiye is sick individual he does not care about Somaliland or Somalia, all he does is spread hate and animosity.
        Any one who toke the time and listened to his rhetoric would see and realise that there is something more malice and sinister going on with this individual.

        Here's a list of some of the thing things would catch him saying.

        1. Koonfur
        2. Puntland
        3. Darood
        4. Darood
        5. Darood
        6. Puntland
        7. Mj's
        8. Faroole
        9. Zoomalia
        10. Hawiyekill
        11. them all (zoomalia's)
        13. them all (zoomalia's)
        14. them all (zoomalia's)
        15. dived zomalia amongst ( Somaliland, Ethiopia, and Kenya)

        and as of today that Somaliland history stretch back 8000 years.

  2. I can't speak for the People in koonfur who the Zultan of Zanzibar left behind in the horn of Africa but in Somaliland we have a proven 8000 history that is recorded in the Caves across most of the Somaliland Republic.

    8000 years ago while the rest of Africa was filled with Naked Tree-dwellers our historic paintings show people engaged in Farming, Herding and manufacture of textiles. The art reflects a level of sophistication that would take another 7000years for the rest of Africa and majority of the world.

    • What history of ''Somaliland'' are you talking about? Mate before the colonial times their were empires from north to south. There is no one history of the north. The likes of Ahmed gurey and syed fought for the south and north. Yes the caves might date back 8000 years. But the clan ''I@@q'' never existed at that time. As far as I know, the Is@@q's were always the one hated in the north because they were the ones that the British use to use against the likes of Ahmed Gurey and many northern anti colonials group.

      One other thing, pleas stop using the name ''Somaliland'' as if you gained it as a nation. All the Somali territories held by the colonials were called ''Somaliland''. The name ''Somaliland'' means, THE LAND OF THE SOMALI PEOPLE. And it is for that reason only why they were all called ''Somaliland'' including the south. You should know, creating a pack of lie is easy, but to maintain it for ever is impossible. Big evidence of that is, Khaatumo state and Awdal state who finally broke their silence. On top of that, more and more ''Is@@qs'' are speaking out against the separatism who misled and and brainwashed the ''Is@@q'' people, using as a tool the massacre inflicted by the military regime. They even high jacked and changed the whole SNM (Somali national movement) from fighting against injustice regime to a separatism movement. IF THE FOUNDERS OF SNM WANTED A SECESSION, THEY WOULD HAVE NEVER CHOSE THE NAME ''SOMALI NATIONAL MOVEMENT'', BUT INSTEAD THEY WOULD HAVE CHOSEN ''SOMALILAND NATIONAL MOVEMENT''. Say what you want but the people are rising up against fools like you. Peace

        • The Dhulos have started to complain about the name of Somaliland and its history of 8000 years. Strange! They think that the Isaaqs had lived through all these periods and any ancient histories that had been found in Somaliland are exclusively belonged to them. They also forgot that the Isaaqs lived in the Horn less than 800 years let alone 8000 years, even though they are proud to claim that the Pyramids of Naaso Hablood was built by their ancestors. The other strange thing is, Dhulos' scope of thinking never develop whether they born in Alaska or in Heegaale and they always remain the same kufurtubelle, Allemagan, Truth1 and many other kids who normally comment here are good examples.

          • LOL

            AbdulRahman Jaberti(Darood) was a Yemeni Zuwali who stole a pair of shoes from a Mosque and in order to avoid his prison sentence ran away to hide in Africa.

            History 101!

          • @Sugule, clearly you are beyond retarded. The name and the people never existed 8000 years yet you want to claim a cave of 800 years old as Somaliland history. Is laughable honestly. Do something about your brain pleas.

      • Xaglatosiye?
        Ali Khalif Galaydh?

        Somaliland is a republic… Destroying Somaliland will never bring Somaliweyn!!!

        Those who wish to build Somaliweyn need to secure the peace and progress of all the 5-Regions. Somaliland, Djibouti, Kilil, Somalia and NFD.

        Anti-Somaliland = Anti-Somaliweyn

        • The existence of somaliweyn does not revolve around somaliland… The people of somaliland are so self absorbed, I hope they never reunite with somalia.

  3. The ajuuran empire was one of the most powerful empires in africa and ajuuran defeatef portoguese who tried to conquer Mogadishu

    All the medieval history of somalia is in the south

    We reer waqoyi have only primitive paintings in laas gaal

  4. i think that there should be a two-state confederation between somaliland and somalia (obviously along colonial borders) as the only choice for unity without separatists feeling shame or embarassement because unity must never be founded on force or it will not stick simple as
    look at this article to understand further:

  5. Somali history is destroyed by nomads and camel herders who can not comprehend what it is to be a citizen of a country and a member of a collective community. These nomads always think in terms of "whose camel well it is any way". That is why we are squabbling over every piece of neglected real estate in this vast land.

    pitiful people!

  6. so, Somalis history started in 1936? even my grandfather in baardheere can trace our history all the way to 1800s. this is a joke

  7. All the Somali territories held by the colonials were called ''Somaliland''. The name ''Somaliland'' means, THE LAND OF THE SOMALI PEOPLE. And it is for that reason only why they were all called ''Somaliland'' including the south. You should know, creating a pack of lie is easy, but to maintain it for ever is impossible. Big evidence of that is, Khaatumo state and Awdal state who finally broke their silence. On top of that, more and more ''Is@@qs'' are speaking out against the separatism who misled and and brainwashed the ''Is@@q'' people, using as a tool the massacre inflicted by the military regime. They even high jacked and changed the whole SNM (Somali national movement) from fighting against injustice regime to a separatism movement. IF THE FOUNDERS OF SNM WANTED A SECESSION, THEY WOULD HAVE NEVER CHOSE THE NAME ''SOMALI NATIONAL MOVEMENT'', BUT INSTEAD THEY WOULD HAVE CHOSEN ''SOMALILAND NATIONAL MOVEMENT''. Say what you want but the people are rising up

  8. Folks, you are too much energy confusing my poor self. EG if all somalis are from Somaliland
    then why Somalia is there and recognized by the IC when Somaliland aint? All your arguments
    revolve on Somaliland, in that case, for a fresh dialogue, Somalia should be erased to exist.
    Does this ideology sound a fair new ball game? Then you guys could all fight under the one
    name Somaliland. Or maybe you could still say North Somaliland and South Somaliland just
    lyk North South Korea, in which case, Somalia goes out of the window.

    • Somalia came when both the south and north erased the name ''Somaliland''. Clearly you just want one clan based country were by your clan is the actually country. And it is exactly for that reason why the IC will never recognise ''Is@@qland''. Cheers.

  9. When people appreciate the good in others, is only when they can progress themselves by following good examples. But the westerners side with blacks who do wrong like the clowns they constantly advertise to us on TV and papers while our do-gooders are ostracized like Somaliland people and country.

    It is not just SL problem, but a problem that affects the whole African continent whereby the embuciles and CIA spies are placed as "leaders" while the rest of the people are called "terrorists" or "fake".

  10. there are two kinds of Somalis, Real Somalis and Fake Somalis or those who converted into Somali they usually claim to be Arabs. anyone who claims to be Arab should move to Arabia, Somalia somali baa leh.period.

    btw this is Khaatumo Citizen I can't post comments using my display name for some reason, Amirah is my real name after all lool 🙂

    • agghh a very beautiful name for a beautiful woman madam u r very lovely a unionist as a wife will do nicely xxxxxx

      • hahaha Jonny are you bloody insane brother, waar meesha ka carar balo ku wife-satay, don't you see we are at war, just kidding LOL but NO sweet talks okay.

    • lool Amirah tommy-hawk come you can't use your Khaatumo Citizen Kayse mysticism?
      What happened? I knew that Kayse geezer would put you into troubles..oh dear walalo am here to help but on condition that you surrounder to be one of those good maids in the Garadagland lool.
      otherwise mohahaha..
      PS there are two Arab Somalis, Heritage afro-arab Somalis from Prophet LOT(Nabi luut)
      and heritage afro-arab Somalis from Prophet Ishmael s/o prophet Abraham.
      Darood if am not mistaken is from the big picture of the ancient arabs from the prophet lot side.
      Btw Pharoh tribes should be a branch of the mainstream ancient arabs. So you see Somalis
      are between semitics and non-semitics. Btw, it's not only Somalis but the whole arab world
      and global village are between semitics and non-semitics or arabs and ajamis or arab,yahut,nassara.
      etc. Again, the whole human beings of IC united nations are from time and space hybrids through
      intermarriages etc. Complexities difficult to understand since there is a third party enemy no1
      the devil satan or ebliss from the jinn beings which goes back to adam/eve.

      • I can not fathom how Mohamed Cheers can one time sound as a bible thumbing priest and at other times can be so Garadagland tribal. This man is very complex and his comments are very difficult to decipher. As a Muslim you would think he will be quoting from the Quran or somewhat conversant with the near east history when he explains things.

        There are no Somali Arabs; this whole story about Arab Sheikhs crossing the red sea on a flying and carpet flashing lights or on a little canoe is the ultimate fiction. All Somalis are Cushitic like the Afar, Oromo and Arusi. The only Somali who will claim an Arab ancestry is someone who suffers a very bad inferiority complex and understandably is not comfortable with his or her skin.

        • Allemagan walalo, Mohamed Cheers is a victim of Qudhmiye but the guy wears his heart on his sleeve, lol true I sometimes have a difficult time understanding him too maybe he's a priest or Shiekh for all we know.

      • Loool Mo Cheers buuqa jooji waryaa, I don't know I kinda liked me nickname thoe,
        hahaha surrender to whom, PLEASE we started the anti-separation movement in North Somalia now everyone is participating including SLpress, and Guulwade Siilanyo will destroy the remaining separatist camps and hopefully we will liberate Garadag sooner than you think. Unionist will prevail over separatist, I assure you
        lool Kayse is my abtiyo dee and at least he makes some effort to think by an intelligent way, maxaad ka rabtiin dee I bet if Siilayo tells you to beat your head against the wall, you would lool

        I don't know why you try so hard convince us we are Arabs but I am sure 100% all Somalis came from the same father maybe different mothers, we need to correct our history lool

    • New nick is better.

      Abdulrahman Jeberti(Darood) is not Somali and came from Yemen right???

      Somali asal = Dir

      • LOL Buuxiye adiga are you Dir, Hashim or Irir? coz you can't be all or pick one whenever you feel like it.

        well I believe all Somalis came from the same father like how we are all the same people, same religion, tongue and just about EVERYTHING, it's hard to believe some came from Saudi Arabia, Yemen while other came from Iraq or West Africa, there must be one biological bonds with all Somalis.

        also it's true some Daroods mainly MJ and Wasangeli since live in seashores believe Abdulrahman was an Arab man who came to Somalia few centuries ago and married to Dir women.

        • Do you mean to say Dhulbahante & Majareerteens are not related?

          Dhulo Abtirsiin is 25-27 Branches to Ismeal Jebert[Darood]!
          Majareer is 36-45 Branches to Ismeal jeberti[Darood]!

          Are there two different Darood Clans?

          How can you both be HARTI? unless Harti is a mere confederation?

  11. Abdiwahab is laughable, But Buuxiye is sick individual he does not care about Somaliland or Somalia, all he does is spread hate and animosity.
    Any one who toke the time and listened to his rhetoric would see and realise that there is something more malice and sinister going on with this individual.

    Here's a list of some of the thing things would catch him saying.

    1. Koonfur
    2. Puntland
    3. Darood
    4. Darood
    5. Darood
    6. Puntland
    7. Mj's
    8. Faroole
    9. Zoomalia
    10. Hawiyekill
    11. them all (zoomalia's)
    13. them all (zoomalia's)
    14. them all (zoomalia's)
    15. dived zomalia amongst ( Somaliland, Ethiopia, and Kenya)

    and as of today that Somaliland history stretch back 8000 years.

    • 🙂 you forgot

      Darood-Jeberti is Zuwali from Yemen and escaped to Somalia after stealing a pair of shoes from a Mosque??? These Jeberti are related to the jeberti of Eritrea.

  12. Do not fall into the Colonial hands again. British who used colonias SomaliLand shame dude, its better Gudubiirse who used colonize isaaq, instead of loving British to colonize Awdalland is better to colonize u