2 December 2013

The United Nations envoy in Somalia today highlighted the urgency of appointing a new Prime Minister as soon as possible to maintain the progress made so far in the Horn of Africa nation, after incumbent Abdi Farah Shirdon lost a confidence vote in parliament.

Somalia’s President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, now has 30 days to appoint a successor to Mr. Shirdon, who was in office for just over a year.

“I hope the President will consult widely before choosing. It is in all our interests that the next PM and Government is broadly inclusive, able to unite the country and capable of delivering what Somalia needs – peace, rule of law, economic growth and good public services,” said the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia, Nicholas Kay.

Mr. Kay paid tribute to the outgoing Prime Minister, and noted that his departure was managed in accordance with the provisional constitution and the rules of procedure of the Federal Parliament.

“Somalia’s institutions are coming of age. The UN is here to support their development, and looks forward to working constructively with the new administration,” he stated in a news release issued by the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), which he heads.

The envoy also urged the Federal Parliament to make progress on the many law-making and other constitutional tasks that the country urgently needs.

“Over the coming years, it is important that Parliament, Government and the Presidency continue to work constructively together in full respect for the Provisional Federal Constitution.”

Somalia has been torn asunder by factional fighting since 1991 but has recently made progress towards stability. In 2011, Al-Shabaab insurgents retreated from Mogadishu and last year, new Government institutions emerged, as the country ended a transitional phase toward setting up a permanent, democratically-elected Government.

UNSOM was established by the Security Council in June to support the Government and the people of the country in their quest for security and prosperity.


  1. Can anybody tell the Public eyes what caused the PM bogged down. That main reason is unclear?
    The bogged down of the first PM of the FGS would no doubt have unending more problems for
    the President HSM and his supporters. It all started now!.

  2. The Marhans are haunted by the action of their faqash uncle no good share for juba scramble and now the sacking of their fake poppet prime minister nothing left for this family.

  3. Mareexaan never betrays Mogadishu they're like yeah I am gonna clean Hawiye asss and shine their shoe. Hasan sheikh mohamud will never pick Majerteen or Ogaden but pick another useless Mareexaan who will do his bidding procedure .

    • what a stupid faqash Shirdon is not marexar he is dulbahanti … u should know by now that there is no darood or hawiya is up 4 the job cuz darood will bring more Africans to Somalia n hawiya will just keep collecting and looting money this is the sad truth hawiya will just kickout any one disagreeing with theme and monkeys in buttland will keep threating n so on

      • 4 the first time u r right pirate Unfortunately shirdon is marexar that is why he sound like his abo barre

  4. Is the deputy prime minister fosia taking over so she can do a better job, Hassan sheikh and the so-called house of Somali parliament don't know if they're coming or going may Allah give them some direction and make them give Somaliland its due respect.

    • MS Fouzia is capable PM but the FGS environs is too dangerous for her being a woman!.
      Notwithstanding the huge voilatile within the FGS circles, She is also gonna suffer more
      what goes around the quests of Somaliland and Somalia!. The best chance that Fouzia
      has is that of two state solution between Hargeisa and Mogadiscio and that power is
      from Hargeisa getting her own ways and then helping President HSM to survive under
      President Ahmed Silaanyo and MS Fouzia FGS PM? In all other aspects, it's wait and see
      how the FGS President HSM would survive?

      • I think it's just going to be the same old way for Muqdisho of like a dog chasing its on tail until their time is up.