Hargeisa- Fly Dubai, one of the airlines which make daily flights to Egal International airport, in Hargeisa has expressed their complaints regarding false meteorological data given to their pilots by the airport’s ground controllers.

The letter forwarded to management of Egal international airport, and seen and broadcasted by the Horn Cable Television(HCTV) stated that the ground flight controllers have on three occasions feed them (Fly Dubai) with false data in regard to the weather reports, which proved to be sterile though our planes managed to make safe landings.

The incidence concerned flight FDB 661, if further action is not taken by Somaliland Aviation authorities to address a repetition situation, Fly Dubai shall in a bid not to endanger the lives of passengers on board all flights and safeguards its planes bound for Hargeisa, shall resort as an alternate land in Djibouti so as to avert any dangers which may arise.

Fly Dubai has on the previous occasion complained that pilots were given the go-ahead for its airplanes to land at the airport by the ground flight controllers while facilities weren’t ready to handle the incoming Fly Dubai planes.

The Somaliland civil aviation authority didn’t respond to the compliments at the time of our reporting.