By M.A. Egge

The Speaker of the Somaliland House of Representatives Hon. Yasin Haji Mohamud Hiir (Faratoon) presided over a closed-door session of the parliament.

The Speaker specified that he deemed it fit and imperative to hold the session in camera in an effort to create a harmonious working environment in the House of Representatives by addressing any conflicts or differences that may hinder the chores of the august house.

He said the conciliatory move was imperative and hence would address all disgruntlement by any member of the parliament may have had and have disputes resolved.

He noted that this meeting will be a clearinghouse for many concerns in the council.

He said, “I have heard that there are many concerns in the assembly, and many of the parliamentarians think that something needs to be done and improve the setting by harmonious rapport. There are disagreements and in terms of improving the administration and analyzing the issues a closed-door meeting was justified”.