By M.A. Egge

A quarterly good governance meeting was unveiled on Thursday by the Minister of Interior Hon. Mohammed Kahin Ahmed that is charged with the review of the planned five year activities.

In the meeting that was graced by the International line NGOs and all international countries that partners Somaliland developmental programmes, the minister noted the imperatives of reviewing planned activities every three months.

Flanked by the National Assemblies and Constitutional Affairs coordination minister Hon. Mohammed Aden Elmi, the interior DG Mr. Abdi Gurey and Interior advisor Professor Eid Ali Mohammed, the minister explained that the review was as per the National Development Plan II.

He noted that they took the quarterly review seriously and all sectional heads of the ministry were in attendance.

The ministerial advisor professor Eid observed the review as a pillar that holds the good governance.

Several state agencies like ministries attend the meeting. It consists of five major sectors hence it encompasses all the developmental plans meant for the nation in the given period.

It is safe to assume that the quarterly governmental development strategic reviews will help scrutinize projects, priorities and extent of implementations aptly.