f217332b9c3115879e259a3ec883da61_MBy Goth Mohamed Goth

Maroodi Jeh regional court today handed various sentences to a Pakistani born businessman and his associate for spreading the Shiite ideology and breaking immigration laws.

Maroodi Jeh regional court Magistrate Abdirizak Beergeleh , reading the verdict said, “The court has found guilty the two accused Mr. Mohamed Reza Hussein aged 63 years and Mr. Hashim keera (Absent) for spreading the Shiite ideology with an intention to create religious animosity among the different sects in the country and breaking immigrations laws.

The court hands a one year jail sentence or an equivalent of cash and a fine of SLSH 3, 000,000 to each of the accused and further to be deported from the country within two months, the state will appoint a guardian to look after the wealth of the convicted businessman.

The court further acquitted Mr. Hassan Ali Said for lack of evidence.

The state prosecutor speaking to the press moments after the judgement was passed said he was dismayed the court didn’t hand down harsh sentence considering the severity of the crime , he further added that he will appeal the regional courts verdict since it was lenient.