By Goth Mohamed Goth
Hon. Abdi Abdullah Hersi “Dayaxweerar”, the Chairman of Somaliland Diaspora Agency and a top official in the Somaliland Ministry of Foreign Relations and International Cooperation currently in a working tour met with the various Somaliland diaspora committees based In Rome, the Italian Capital.
The various SL diaspora committees and the overall Somaliland diaspora based in Italia welcomed the Chairman of Somaliland Diaspora Agency; this was evident when they turned out in their numbers to welcome him in the main Aero-port in Rome moments after landing, London, the UK whereby he attended the Somaliland Diaspora Conference in Europe.
In turn, the honorable Messer’s, the Chairman of Somaliland Diaspora Agency thanked the good and decent members of the Somaliland Diaspora living in Italia for their warm welcome, though it has being so long since a delegation from the motherland had paid homage nor visited them in the official capacity. The honorable Chairman of Somaliland Diaspora Agency in his speech briefed the members of SL diaspora based in Italy of the overall situation of the Motherland, in terms of peace and stability, economic development and political maturity.
The esteemed chairman briefed the members of the diaspora on the mandate and workings of Somaliland Diaspora Agency, he further urged fellow Somalilanders living in diaspora to relentlessness work for the recognition of the homeland, investment opportunities and the development of investment corridors, proper utilization of Diaspora human and material resources and the introduction of experiences gained to homeland in order to, primarily, create more and more employment opportunities for the burgeoning youthful workforces in Somaliland.
He further urged them to shun tribalism and instead be resourceful in the reconstruction, peace restoration, state building, economic investment, democratization process and/or the political transition by advocating for the good governance and strengthening the country’s democracy,’.
Hon. Abdi Abdullah Hersi “Dayaxweerar” went on to quote the renowned Somali playwright, the Late Ibrahim Gadhle May Allah Bless His Soul “Maskaxdaadu yay noqon maqal lagula leeyahay, yaan boqol muftaaxiyo lagu furin masaabiir,” oo dulucdeedu ahayd in laga fogaado majare habawga.
On the other hand, Messer’s. Saleban Khadar Barre, the Chairman of Somaliland community speaking on behalf of the distinguished members of various diaspora committees and the SL Diaspora thanked the visiting SLDA Chair for the visit and at the same time pledging to enhance the working relation between the diaspora community and SLDA.
The SLDA Chair had a Q&A with the diaspora community regarding the current situation in the country.