1-36By Goth Mohamed Goth

Work in the capital came to a standstill as Hargeisa City Council Law Enforcement officers demolished kiosks in the city center and Jig Jiga yare zones.

A team of law enforcement officers reduced the kiosks to rubble because they were built over the drainage system and on the road reserve.

When the city council moved to demolish the kiosks some traders hurriedly removed their merchandise from the kiosks.

Those that tried to put up resistance had some of their merchandise destroyed.

Unnamed city council official said, “We gave the traders an eviction notice earlier but they refused to adhere to it, that’s why we demolished their kiosks.

Small scale traders and kiosks owners demonstrated in the streets of the capital in protest of the city council actions.12744522_586361964846013_5686516722548920119_n 12742738_586361921512684_6896282819217873458_n 1-36

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