TurkishBy Goth Mohamed Goth

The Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowment Hon Sheik Khalif Abdullah Ahmed received a high level Turkish trade delegation arrived in the country on Friday for an official visit.

The visiting Turkish delegation consisting of politicians and businessmen representing the Turkish companies are discuss how Somaliland and Turkey could foster would not only foster political relations but also how to increase trade and investment as means of reinforcing commercial and economic relations.

The deputy Minister of commerce and International cooperation Hon Bashir Abdi Hariir ,“Both sides had had previously agreed on the significance of doubling the existing political and commercial exchange in the coming years and developing mutual relations in the field investment we now have a moment of opportunity to build stronger ties at all levels between our business worlds.

The visiting Turkish businessmen are interested in investing in the country’s thriving telecommunication and energy sector.

“The prevail peace and stability in the country is attracting foreign investment and foreign investors are now focusing their attention to Somaliland as a new frontier of investment and targeting the country’s untapped resources evidencing the fact the country has proved to the world a new threshold of foreign investment”, He stated.

The deputy Minister of commerce went on to say, “Somaliland is open for business and has many opportunities to offer for any potential investors.

Mr. Mohamed, head of the Turkish delegation speaking during the press conference said, “Turkey and Somaliland relations span more than two centuries and we plan to revive those ties and apart from our good diplomatic relations we are committed to increase trade and investment as means of reinforcing diplomatic, cultural, and economic relations.