As he inaugurates the modern multi-storied Somaliland National Museum building

-All Somalilanders regardless of political inclinations are united in defense of the nation, he adds

-He chides Somalia for naive entitlement and celebrating 26th June, a day that concerns them not

By M.A. Egge

The President of the Republic of Somaliland H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi has expressed his utter disgust that the Somalia Government of Mogadishu would always celebrate Somaliland 26th June independence that does not concern them at all hence happens to be the day the nation earned its sovereignty from the British Empire.

Somalia was, on the other hand, colonized by the Italians. He took a swipe for the Mogadishu government and its leadership for insinuating that the re-assertion and re-establishment of the entity of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Somaliland is tantamount to terroristic action.

The Head of State gave the sentiments as he inaugurated the new ultra modern seven stories twin buildings that house the Somaliland National Museum.

He reminded the nation and the world at large that Somalia leader Hassan Sheikh was publicly quoted as seeking and soliciting terror support from the like of al Shabaab in a move to thwart the country’s aspirations.

The President also said that the nation of Somaliland would not be intimidated nor cowed by a group of insurgents grouping in Djibouti on a mission to subvert the country.

He chided the Mogadishu government for exuding naivety in its guise of entitlement given that it is a different country altogether.

He gave a recap of the struggles for the independence and how the museum would aid in rendering the journals of history immortal.

He reiterated the country’s resolve to continue its aspirations undeterred in charting its future path of development and progress.

The president was joined at the event by several cabinet ministers, esteemed personalities and hundreds of city residents who witnessed the inauguration.

The Director General of the Presidency Mr. Mohamed Abdi Bile who was personally charged with the task of overseeing the construction gave a detailed speech that highlight the works that was on for about three and a half years.

He paid tribute to the Head of State who mooted the idea of the museum and saw it through hence hailed all the architects and the constructors who built the structure impeccably.

He said that of the twin buildings one section was the administrative offices which has already be furnished and the other is the museum section which will display the archive for artifacts and assorted natural and contemporary historical dossiers etc.

Indeed the museum will be a legacy the Head of State H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi will have bestowed the nation and would be remembered for by the nation’s posterity.