The jeopardized organization’s and institution’s those operating in Somaliland have been a raised blemish and up tight services that lastly reached unavailable and appeared its actual face formerly buried. Building organization are more easily, but their future plans and objectives strongly build curiosity, transparency and accountability that steering clear internal policies and procedures situated before nominated or published.
All those steps up are neglected and not applied appropriately the organization and institutions manner’s, Awdal region, particularly in Borama district go in front on majority number of Somaliland youth major ages between 18-35yrs copied from the UNICEF report on Somaliland youth, according to that data the reality on the ground demonstrates and witnesses the report, although the report data explore different sides directed relate to the number of youth rate % illiterate, literate, employment and unemployment, while borama become the head of youth unemployment throughout Somaliland regions and the whole youth projects and donations directly goes on particular areas I;e Marodi Jex and Saaxil regions, as we have seen both on Somaliland Development Fund and governmental annual financial planning.
During the launching Somali Youth Business USAID FUND program in Moqdisho there were a youth participants that have been designated across the Somalia regions except Awdal region youth , the Grant speech opening of Somalia PM Mr. Khaire presented district’s names whereas Borama was excluded by anonymous aims that yet the youth un-understood the causes and reasons overdue the exclusion. Hereafter those programs seized and vanished with other appearances should be transformed transparency and accountably approaches that every regions directly receiving its identifiable percentage program through local NGO’s exists the region.
Those up mentioned programs handed over the jeopardized, nepotistic and vandalized groups that adopt the youth’s parasitical , while those group organization’s and institutions attainment curiosity backing and shoulders from the government systems Hargiesa is not a Somaliland and Somaliland is not Hargiesa.
On the other hand, the entire youth victimized 90% are unemployment and highly responsible the national and local institutions, the ancestors of all those damages youth have been rallied created by the organizations always and currently argue and lobby’s the sterile so-called organizations and institutions prominent imitation youth union and integration that is indeterminate fact and figure. Its formal skeleton covered by sign and symptoms of names I;e Somaliland youth, Youth Investment, Youth entrepreneur and so on.
Most violations and corruptions are ongoing Awdal region; and reached highest level that has been caused internal and external bloodshed of market jobs. Although an Awdal community claims power sharing, political sharing, resources and employment sharing. But the reality of alleging those shares are significant to begun locally and caught up rights lost among Awdal communities and local institutions. Organizations and institutions are joint to umbrella and interest groups that their under shadows are primarily responsible all those rights and vacant opportunities that has been morally damaged the vulnerable youth dealing with strong constrains and barriers on getting opportunities.
From now on, as a western regions youth we establishing and emerging Platforms that could conveying initiatives and youth entrepreneur that produce fruitful sources an entire youth harvest, Platform that could accomplishment youth capacity building, create awareness raising, job creations, youth political participation and dialogue, in order to grasp the rest youth that have acquired closes chances and opportunities from the radical groups dominated the youths rights with different sources of nepotism that basically rooted the government administration systems.
The Inspire Group, Sonsaf, Hargiesa Talk and Sonyo Umbrella are those eager radical organizations and institutions operates the mission and flood motions of corruption that has been shaded the other youth exclusion an entire programs and projects the EU, US AID & UN donors in Somaliland.
As youth, we shall be declaring officially meeting for the following weeks that relates the permanent miscarriage corruptions on floating the youth, and thereafter releasing the officially meeting communiqué through documents, social media and later on will be sharing the international Donors and other stakeholders the original documents that composed the detailed.
Abdikadir Jama Abdullahi Wadaadyare
Conflict Analyst and Freelance