I wanted to share this film with our readers. This is one film that honestly made me cry and also makes me want to do something about it. Will you help these desperate orphans in Somaliland? Let us sponsor a kid for $25-30 a month, that is enough to feed one kid a month. Please feel free to contact SomalilandPress@gmail.com if you are interested in doing something about this.

This is Hargeisa Orphanage Centre, which is the first centre for these kids to be set up in the country.

To help you can contact them on 2522 – 570257 (this includes country code for international callers) or if you in the USA/Canada 617-869-3132..

Thank you,
Mohamed Ibrahim Haji Abdi


  1. this shitt wlhi makes me cry.
    we need strong and honest leader my fellow landers.
    we need change more then any nation

    Naomi Darg, I thank u girl and god bless u.

  2. Madaxda Somaliland carruurtaa agoomaha ah ayey daryeeli waayeene ma cid kalay wax u qabanayaan amba daryeelayaan? That is the kind of leaders we have.

    • My Dear Brother/sister
      May I fist send you my greetings for Islamic new year to you, family, friends and relatives. Secondly, I would like to draw your attention that its every body's responsibility to help these children not only government.. Its true that government is first duty bearer but helping orphans and poor is Islamic rules. Let us share and take action on how we can help these children in the center and other vulnerable children who belongs to us and waiting our support.
      regards from Ismail

    • waliba lacagta ama adeega laagu deeqo caruurta qaar ba ka cuna iimanka beelay imisa NGO ba u furan daryeelka caruuurta.

    • qofkii raba inu cawiyo caruuurta umariya lacagta sheekh dirir & sheekh aden siiro i only trust this 2 sheekhs..

  3. Thank you very much for broadcasting extremely touching film. I believe problems of Hargeisa Orphanage Center is more than covered in the film, there are many critical issues that require an urgent action.Its Somaliland Community to take proper and better child-friendly action and support. MY ALLAH ALMIGHTY CREATOR of EVERY THING will turn the eyes of somaliland community to these vulnerable children.
    I am sure one day will come and Orphanage will be child friendly atmosphere.INSHA-ALLAH
    Regards from Ismail

  4. Salaam everyone…. This is not a somaliland issue only but the rest of Somalia my brothers and sisters in Islam rememeber that…..

  5. who cares somalia
    when this shitt happens somaliland
    specialy hargeisa…my hometown.
    first….Charity Begins At Home
    so ill take care this..

  6. Operation Blessing and others do great work in suppporting the orphanage and the special school, but please don't undervalue the work of Mohamed Ismail Abdillahi and Peter Nugjuna who run these places with dedicated staff, and have done for years. After many visits, most recently two years ago, I am always moved by the hope it gives to see them at work. They are the backbone of everything, and make sure that these hundreds of cildren are taken care of. Sleeping on the floor and not having teddy bears is not neglect.

    • We never under value the works of those who help the needy and privilaged ones in our societies, God will reward them.

      In Islam we must give, we must do Zakat (charity) we must reach out to the poor regardless of faith and today it seems the non-Muslims practice Islam more than the Muslims this is why most Muslim countries are in the situation they are in.

      Stop killing and go back to the real Islam, educate, help, zakat, hajj, pray.

      I am going to definitely call this center and help. Please join me and give zakat, do not worry what the others do with your charity thats on their part to fulfill their duty and 'haq'.

      The Qur'an uses the word ‘haq,’ the right of the poor; so what the wealthy man is asked to give is not charity but that which should come back to the poor, as a matter of right.

      These people are in that situation because its test for mankind, step up brothers and sisters, this is opportunity for you to repay.

      • salamu caleykum jasaka lah qofkasto ka murugodey caruurta agoomah ah ee ee cid u maqani jirin ilahey moyane waxa se la raba cidii dooneysa akhiro iyo adunyadaba iney libanto iney si dhaba waxa ugu qabato dar ilahey waa ubuxi waa kuwa bari ina badalaye.

  7. Waa murugo iyo nabarro calool xumo weyn leh.
    Waxa ku waajib ah qof kasta oo Somalilander ah, Somali ah iyo Muslim ahba in ay u gurmadaan carruurtaas tabaalaysan.
    Inta damiirkoodu damqanayaa way dareemi karaan. wixii aad ku caawiso Allah ayaa kugu caawinaya maalin aad u baahan tahay.

  8. bahda somaliland press waxan leeyahay habaliyo site kan waa hooy dad badan ku soo hiran doonan aad baad u mahadsantihiin!!

  9. this website is a 21 first century site which unites somaliland & athers to debate it is the website of the new generation who simlpy gibe their opnion…thanks one again!!