Talks in Turkey between Somalia and Ethiopia failed to yield any tangible results for Somalia with an additional round scheduled for September. The Turkish-facilitated talks sought to ease tensions between Ethiopia & Somalia following Somalia's backing down from the...
It can be recalled that just last week, 16 civilians, who live along the Ethiopian and Djibouti border were massacred by unknown armed men.  The civilians were killed in a small village of Obno, Afamboworeda of the Afar Regional...
The plane had been carrying humanitarian and medical supplies to help the country fight the spread of coronavirus. Ethiopia on Saturday admitted it was behind the shooting down of a privately owned Kenyan plane in Somalia earlier this week, resulting...
BY ADDISALEM MULAT Today’s exclusive column guest goes by the name of Deputy Amb. Barkhad Mohamoud Kaariye, Somaliland Permanent Diplomatic Mission in Ethiopia. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in Governance, Development, and Peace at the United Nations University for Peace...
Ethiopia says it has started the next phase of filling a controversial mega-dam on the Nile River, Egyptian authorities said Monday, raising tensions ahead of an upcoming UN Security Council on the issue. Egypt said the move was "a violation...
Villagers return from a market to Yechila town in south central Tigray walking past scores of burned vehicles, in Tigray, Ethiopia, July 10, 2021.GIULIA PARAVICINI/Reuters New revelations about atrocities by Somali soldiers in Ethiopia’s Tigray war are casting a spotlight...
Somalia's cabinet said on Tuesday that a pact its breakaway region of Somaliland had signed with Ethiopia allowing it to use the Red Sea port of Berbera was null and void, adding that it endangered the region's stability. Somalia also...
Somaliland has committed to implementing the sea access agreement it signed with Ethiopia recently, according to Mohamed Hussien Jama Rambo, a member of Somaliland’s parliament. During an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, the MP criticized external intervention and stated...
The first Djibouti-Ethiopia-France business networking meeting aimed at discussing investment opportunities, technology transfer and know-how among the three countries, held in Djibouti today (December 5). Ethiopian Ambassador to Djibouti Abdulaziz Mohammed commended the Government of Djibouti for hosting the African...
Selling Ethiopia Down the (Nile) River: The Unraveling Secret Conspiracy of Sameh Shoukry, Steven Mnuchin and David Milpass to Wreck the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam    By almariam It is not going to be a fair fight when the Gang...