By Goth Mohamed Goth The visiting members of the Oromo Traditional council and Somaliland Traditional elders on Wednesday held a joint conference at the Ambassador Hotel, Hargeisa, in which they issued a joint communique in which they declare the strengthening...
Somali and Oromo peoples have been living next to each other and in some cases among each other for centuries if not millennia. And like any two communities that rub into each it is inevitable conflicts will arise over...
By Osman Hassan The Ethiopian Empire, for centuries the most backward and down-trodden country in Africa, is on the march. Not only has it been making spectacular strides on the economic front for over a decade but is now doubling...
At the Berbera container port in the internationally unrecognised state of Somaliland, employees of Dubai-based DP World unload 40-foot crates from a hulking cargo ship as more vessels wait on the horizon. The facility on the Gulf of Aden has...
The political reforms in the Horn of Africa  has been rapidly changed in the geopolitics in the region. The original horn of Africa or Somali peninsula situated in Northern East of Africa are Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Eritrea. It covers...
Paris-French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed support for Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's ambitious reforms and diplomatic peace efforts. The 42-year-old African leader was on a working visit Monday to France in his first trip to Europe since taking office...
Ethiopia housed over 80 Nations, Nationalities and Peoples (NNPs) with respective cultural, linguistic, religious and other peculiarities. Having such dynamics with immense cultural resources of NNPs of Ethiopia were treated as the second class citizens and denied of equal...
New evidence suggests Egyptian government is linked to the unrest in Ethiopia, according to a Hargeisa-based source. The Addis Ababa government is "underestimating the impact of Cairo" on the violence particularly in Oromia region, said a Somaliland diplomat, speaking on...
A self-declared republic in Somalia asked Ethiopia to reroute its nascent oil and gas exports via a proposed new pipeline, challenging Djibouti’s long-held plans for a conduit. The overture from Somaliland comes as Ethiopia begins exploiting an estimated 8 trillion cubic feet...
Somaliland has been a lonely nation since she has officially disowned its ugly and ruthless brother, Somalia.  In its search for a new family member from the international community, Ethiopia waved a fake hand of sisterhood that always benefited...