To: President, Mr. Rayale
Head of electoral commission, Mr. Sweden
August 3, 2009
Dear Sirs,
August 3, 2009 (SomalilandPress)-As a Somaliland –Canadian, I am urgently writing this letter and kindly requesting you to reverse current decision of discarding voter registration list. I believe that, list can be utilized and it has potential benefits to the election process. Secondly, electoral commission and current government have the primary responsibility of safeguarding collected data and continuation of further developing the registration system.

Using my cumulative experience on information technology, I am hereby presenting steps that are required to be implemented as soon as possible in order to correct electoral commission’s errors and their unscrupulous skills on managing registration process.

Current produced voter registration list must be utilized.
Independent Business Analyst and computer experts must be hired and they must come from Somaliland people, not India or interpeace vicinity. Their primary assignments include:
To assess current software (graphic user interface) , backend database, reliability ,speeds and its robustness.
To ensure current software is genuine and able to meet its anticipated expectations.
To draft a report on the system and present their findings to the public.
Somaliland IT experts will be in place and continue to maintain the system even after the election ends.

Somaliland registration system is intended to register Somalilanders and later use for numerous reasons including voting and so forth. Thus, it is an imperative to understand that, political parties and electoral commission do not own registration system and it is a public usage, national issue and its final fate has to come from the public.

Hoping that, political parties and electoral commission are going to accept voter registration list with mutual respect regardless of their political differences and goals.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Mohammed abdi awciise bahdoon, Bsc.
IT consultant, IBM, Canada


  1. I personally appreciate your Somalilander engagement brother Mohamed.
    I totally agree with the make use of the current produced voter Registration list.
    I hope that your positive input steps must be noted by president Rayale and Nec.

    Thanks for your productive and useful contributions,

    Farhan(oday) is a student at University of Hargeisa, Somaliland

  2. Nin aanuu warankaagu galin weedhaadu ma gasho, Riyaale waa nin tashaday wuxuuna ku tashaday inuu kursiga ku shahiido ee maxaa idiin talo ah reer Somalilandow

    • Walaal waxaa inoo talo ah in aan dariiqkasta oo macquul ah u marno sidii wadankan isbadal uga dhici lahaa. Waxaana inaga reeban in aynu kafogaano dariiqkasta oo inoo horseedi kara necbaansho iyo burbur. Haddii kale aynu iska sugno inta uu kageeriyoonayo.

      Ileen kuwan soo socdaaba waxba madhaamaane, mee kursigii ayuun bay hayaane. Midkoodna maleh sadexdoodan qorshe macquul ah oo ay wadanka ku dhaqayaan iyo bulshadaba.

      Waxaynu ubaahanay isbedel, laakiin isbedel siduu ku imankaraa waa su'aal utaala qofkasta oo muwadina oo in uun lexojeclo kaqaba wadankay ay ragaadisay musuqmasuq iyo kalidii talisnimo.

      Hargeisa, Somaliland

  3. Hi,
    Yes Farhan, truely you had the point, neither three of the parties do have enough competitive talents that could lead their people. All intend to coin cash and fame in presidency, it is shameful, shameful for our leaders not to be loyal enough to have the true burden of leading us untill the recreation of stable, wider Somalia.

    Hassan Deri,

  4. dear rayale kahin,you were elected by the people of somaliland to be their president i HOPE you remember that.despots come and go but the people of somaliland shall always be there.please do not choose to be remembered as "jaale siyad barre or mengistu haile maryam.