HARGEISA, 22 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – A report examining the role of the media in the upcoming Somaliland elections in the light of lessons learned from Kenya, has been published in September 2009.

The report explores issues of media policy during post-election violence. We examine the case of Kenya, where 1,133 people were killed after the 2007 elections, to distill lessons for Somaliland’s upcoming elections. There are indications the elections in Somaliland will be highly contentious and that the media will have an important role in either exacerbating or alleviating political violence.

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The intended audience for this report is journalists and policymakers in Somaliland as well as concerned international observers. We also expect that the issues drawn out here will be relevant for other countries in the region that are grappling with upcoming elections that have the potential of being highly contentious.

Click Here to download the report: Role of the Media in Somaliland Elections-11_0


  1. The media has no role to play when governments become inherently corrupt. The media becomes a victim just as the civilians as we have seen it abused by Somaliland news portals.

    An example is qarannes administered from the UK and yet showing no remorse for the people their government had killed during Ramadan except blaming them for demonstrating against UDUB fascism.

    If those living in the diasporas are cruel like qarannews, what would the controlled media inside SL be?

    • Qannews is funded by the wicked government and Mr.Awil particularly. Its the worse website I have ever seen. I ceased to look at it. Somalilanders at large must boycott this website regardless of thier political or tribal affiliations, because Qarannews does not serve the purpose at all.

      This website only deffends the tyran and his four thiefs.

      Somaliland will succeed Insha Allaahu Tacaalaa.

  2. Akhyaarta waad iska dhawaaqdeen, idinkon xaalada meel fog ka eegin! runtu waxay tahay waxa og ninka wadanka gudahiisa jooga ee anaga na dhagaysta. adeer media hu wax sida u badani gaadhi mayso, inta ay iyagu ka feejigan yihiin.. laakiin dhibtu waxay ka aloosmi doonta marka khamarjiyo halkan hargaysa jooga ay gabaad ka dhigtaan doorashada ama codaynta! ragiinan qurbaha degena waxan u sheegaya in xaaladu ka fogtahay sidan ad u haysatan. adeer somalidu horey ayey u tidhi: habar fadhida lagdini la fudud! marka xaalku wu ka baladhan yahay sidad u malaysan e ducada dalka iyo dadkaba ku so dara oo comments-kiinanam xaga positive-ka u badiya. ducooy aamiin.