HARGEISA, 22 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – In today’s session, the House of Eleders of Somaliland discusses the issue of saving the nation and a possible extension for the current government.

The chairman of the house, Mr. Sulaiman Mohamoud Aden said in a long opening speech that the members of the house should discuss the current issues of Somaliland but should not fight over different opinions from different members. He said a clean and constructive debate is all what is needed but he warned against any insults, abuse and breaking the laws.

He called the Somaliland leaders not to badmouth the members of the house and they should adhere to the country’s bylaws as well as that of their own parties. Mr. Suleiman said a common agreement is needed among the parties before the Guurti announces a decision to save the nation from a possible chaos and destruction.

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The session was quiet today compared to the last one which some members fought over argument concerning the current crisis in the country. The press was also present as usual.

At the end of the session, the Guurti agreed to postpone the discussion of a possible extension for the current government. The members said they will start the discussion tomorrow.

On the other hand, the parliament fails to hold its today’s session due to lack of the number required for the session to start. Most of UDUB members did not show up at the house although they are seen in the compound. The Somalilandpress reporter at the parliament houses said he has seen the members loyal to the government available at the compound not attending the session.

The parliament was supposed to discuss a possible impeachment of the current government today. It seems that it is not happening today as the session did not take place as planned.

Somalilandpress will bring you more into the current Somaliland issues as it happens.


  1. Golaha guurtidu waxay gudanaysa waajibaadki wadanka ka saarna, taas oo ah inay mar walba qaranka badbaadiyaan. basashu halkey ka qudhuntay wa ragii aan ku daalney doorashadooda, waa golaha baarlamaanka e. walee baanay wax khayr qaba so wadin nimanka baarlamanka ahi. waxayna kaliya u taagan yihiin inay wax qasaan. w

  2. Marleey way dhib badan tahay inad si fudud u cambaareeyso madaxda dalka. hadana waxan la qarin karayn ninki tiisa ka dheereeya.ismail waxan isku aragti ka nahay dhibka ay wadan golaha baarlamaanku, waxa inta ii dheer aniga in xisbiyada mucaaradku aabo u yihiin dhibta wadanka ka taagan, ayna si qabyaalad leh wax u wadan oo sheeko la magac baxday yaa isxaaq ayey wadan. marka adeer waxan leeyahay somaliland isaaq kaliya maaha, xataa half kama tihiin, ee dalaadalaa. hadii kale… kixkixkix, waydun garanaysan waxa si fudud idiinku dhici kara. triblism era is finished, so lets forget about counsinism.

  3. Sugow, maan gaab kaagan oo kale meesha inuu soo galaba maha!

    Isaaq maxaa meesha keenay? Isaaq haddii uu qabyaalad wada kolka horeba nin gacan ku dhiig leh ah madaxweynenimo u may dhiibeen ee Somalilander ahaan iyo inuu Somalilander kastaa ka qayb qaadan karo maamulka dalka ayaa loogu dhiibey. Mar Ilaahay ugumuu Xamdi Naqin oo sidii laga rabay wax umuu maamuline he grow extra arms and legs.

    Isaaq way dulqaad badan yihiin, laakiin waad ogtay mar hadday gadoodaan inay kixkixkix baad sheege daw,daw,dawdu badan doonto.