Norm Coleman

Statement to the Press by Abdi Warsame

April 24, 2015 (Minneapolis): Recent days have been trying for all of us in Minnesota. We have heard stories about terror recruitment problems and the arrest of 6 young men who were attempting to leave the country. We have seen the grief stricken faces of mothers on the news and the cover of our major newspapers. Today I came face to face with words of hatred.  Norm Coleman’s comments promote distrust while inciting fear and loathing of Somali Americans.

In the past few years I have worked diligently to support the integration of the community into the mainstream. Along with community leaders, we have been working with law enforcement as well as local, state and federal agencies to address underlining causes of terror recruitment. I know these are testing times. We all must strive to work together and put in place initiatives that show our youth how much we value them, that their families matter and that the Somali Americans are welcomed members of society.

Minnesotans are calling for true dialogue that engages in collective solutions. Truly, we are all in this together.

Abdi Warsame is a Minneapolis City Council Member representing the Sixth Ward 

Contact: Abdi Salah – abdisalah7@gmail.com612-701-0913