By Jama Feyte

The head of Somaliland Refugee and Internally Displaced Agency has fired a Female Employee on the basis of her ethnic group and other trumped charges,

The Female Employee who has been working for the agency since 2015 as a translator and whose name is Ms. Fatima Ali Haji Salih speaking to media outlets claimed that she was fired by the head of Somaliland Refugee and Internally Displaced Agency after she highlighted grievances mostly faced by internally displaced and refugee women.

 “The head of Somaliland Refugee and Internally Displaced Agency heard me highlighting the problems faced by internally displaced and refugee women and interrupted my presentation by using abusive language especially calling me a lair in front of my audience, “she said.

Ms. Fatima added that since that day, I haven’t been able to execute her duties due to harassment by the head and other persons related to the boss and working for the Somaliland Refugee and Internally Displaced Agency turned against her.

At this point, my parent intervened by approaching the heads of the Somaliland Refugee and Internally Displaced Agency regarding the situation. Her parent was told that her behavior was against the work ethics norms but after inquiring more she was told that she dressed indecently by wearing a trouser and blouse at work and posting abusive posts on her Facebook page regarding SNM during these times while tensions are high in the eastern regions of the country.

“I learned of my dismissal after returning from a month’s leave which, I spent visiting the sick parent who resides outside the country, and upon my return, and was informed that, I was no longer an employee of the agency. I have not committed a single crime for a single day In Somaliland,” she said.

Fatima is determined to rise her issue with the UNHCR office and the Somaliland Civil Services Agency regarding her work and payments.