By M.A. Egge

The President H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi opened a four-day health symposium to asses, evaluate and/or chart out future ways and means of advancing health-associated services held at Mansoor  Hotel in the city.

The Health development Minister Hon. Dr. Omar Ali Abdillahi had announced the holding of the event last week, explaining that it was to focus on the pros and cons associated with the standard of health services in the country, whether public or private.

He had disclosed that it would also dwell on control and management of diseases, quality of medicinal drugs dispensed, medical professional ethics and framework of development for medical schools in the country.

The President who was flanked by the minister praised the ministry and its staff for their steadfastness hence described them as real patriots.

“Coming together to hold such a conference in a symposium that seeks to advance the ways and means of advancing health care services to your people is noteworthy”, said the President.

He said that the government was at hand to offer the necessary help needed at all times.

He lauded the staffers of the department saying that they have devoted their-selves to the dispensing of health services care in the country.

The Minister Hon. Dr. Omar talked at length on the services the health ministry gives in the country as both concerns professionally and medical appliances and facilities.

He noted that their imperative aim was to seek a wider participation in the objectives of advancement and development of the sector in the country.

Several other eminent health professional personalities spoke, notably Lady Edna Adan who happens to be a world’s who-is who in the sector.

She highlighted the importance of concerted efforts leveled towards controlling diseases that ails the maternal and child sector which was hitherto unknown in the country.

As they discussed the pros and cons of the sector and ways and means of advancing the services needed, the participants were united in acknowledging the importance of good health for the country and humanity as a whole.