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There is a widespread consensus that the progress of Somaliland both internally and externally has been bogged down in a morass of governmental surreptitious agenda, not to mention the dysfunctional characteristics of some top officials in the current administration.


Therefore, it is incumbent upon every citizen to demand from this government to multiply its efforts to undertake forward moving policies that would result a tangible political and economic progress for the country, and this is in no way alludes to encourage the rise of radical destructive critics to the government, but for a sound democratic oriented opponents that would encourage the government to discharge its mandate responsibly and progressively.


Without a doubt, it is this pressing need that motivated Hon Jamal Ali Hussein to declare his candidacy for the post of President of Somaliland. His candidacy is not self-centered, it is for Somaliland people, and for the most part, it is for the emerging generations that have been deprived of their rightful chance to assume the leadership of the country for the past centuries.


Leadership Qualities


Honorable Jamal Ali Hussein is a leader who understands his natural style of leadership and he is willing to explore how his style might be changed to fit different circumstances and different people. This is one of the major characterizes of effective leader. Knowing his strengths, abilities and leaving other parts of his leadership to others is also another vital element that makes this candidate a great emerging leader


Jamal is a charismatic leader, an excellent communicator and verbally eloquent. He is able to communicate to his followers on a deep, emotional level, and skilled in articulating a compelling or captivating vision, and is able to arouse strong emotions in followers. This is definitely a model that I believe represents the very best leaders. His idealized influence transforms into a positive and moral role model for followers, and walks the talk. This makes him a perfect transformational leader. Likewise, his ability to inspire and motivate followers to perform at high levels and to be committed to the Somaliland cause makes him a perfect transformational and inspirational motivator leader.


Jamal’s Modus operandi as a future President draws heavily from his acquired experience, educational background and abundant modern political ideas germane to forward moving of economic developments of our country.


Mr. Jamal exhibits a glaring charisma, tremendous ambition and innate inner drive to become the president of Somaliland, not for personnel gains, but for the betterment of Somaliland people. He strongly believes that his established record track, gained during his tenure at City Bank and his educational background as well as his leadership style can be effective and efficient panacea for the economic shortcomings of Somaliland Republic. That is why UCID Presidential aspirant walked away from his well-paid job at City Bank. This is a testimony to his genuine desire to contribute to the nation building of the country. It is therefore, vital for our community to support his candidacy.


Our political amnesia squarely rests on an ongoing hegemony of old school of politicians from the get go of our independence. The legacy of that leadership and the pain it inherited us remains unabated. Gone are the days we should blindly coronate politicians from the old school of thought. It is about time to embrace the leadership of the younger generations.


I had the chance to sit down with Jamal at a place called Khayria in Toronto, Canada, and he briefed the group about his specific policy plans that he will implement, should he assume the presidency of Somaliland Republic. He is conversant with economic development and foreign investment and spoke knowledgably about the subject. High on his agenda are the following items:


  1. To safe guard the pillars of our young democracy:


In developing countries where democracy has been established, states have tended to perform better as agents of economic development. These effects seem to hinge on the benefits of imposing institutional checks on leaders´ discretionary authority, backed by the ability to remove governments that fail to improve the well-being of their people. Democratically elected governments have no monopoly on economic insight, but under democratic governments, when the economy is on a downward trend, the opposition parties blame the government for bad economic policies. This gives the government an incentive to change some of the unpopular economic policies.


There is overwhelming evidence that, there is a positive correlation between economic development and democracy. Countries who adapted democratic system of governance realized economic opportunities and raised hopes for a commensurate expansion in prosperity, and this lead them to have dynamic, innovative, and productive economies. There is a general consensus among the economic scholars that democracy creates an environment conducive to a real economic development and stability for economic growth. This is due the integrity of the financial institutions that support it, and the protection of property rights in these democracies has also enabled them to accumulate and sustain improvements in their citizen’s quality of life for generations. That is why Jamal is very strong to advance democracy in Somaliland. Under Jamal’s leadership, our culturally conditioned democracy will eventually evolve as a full fetched democracy.


  1. Establish sustainable peace and human development:


Somaliland needs the establishment of realistic policy that seeks to eliminate the root causes of all forms of conflict, offers social justice, and builds respectful relationships. These policies we adapt must be culturally acceptable measures for effective conflict resolutions. In Somaliland the elders are skillful in executing appropriate conflict resolutions to facilitate dialogue between the parties, which leads to a compromise, which is conducive enough to improve mutual understanding and promote social harmony. Jamal will tab the skills of the elder and will establish a unique relationship with the elders by giving them the mandate to be the go between all forms of conflicts that arises between our indigenous communities. Jamal will tab these resources. ?Former UN secretary-general Boutros Boutros-Ghali?s oft-quoted statement that there can be no peace without economic and social development, just as development is not possible in the absence of peace



In Somaliland, the elders are the backbone and the brain behind the peaceful co-existence among the clans.


Their pious efforts to secure lasting peace and stability throughout the country will not only serve as beacon light, but a vivifying force that encourages every individual to respect the law and order.


Undeniably, they are strong pillars in the edifice of learning and maintaining lasting democratic principles. Their contribution to the cause of restoring Somaliland sovereignty and nation building is tremendous and without parallel.


They are also a galaxy of unique hope and virtue whose exemplary determination for the betterment of the country was and will remain a perennial source of guidance and inspiration to everyone in Somaliland. Without a doubt, the elders are such a source of strength and vigor for which Somaliland cannot afford to lose.



Jamal acknowledges the role of the elders and their tremendous contributions and will establish a co-operative relationship with the elders by giving them the mandate to be the go between all forms of conflicts that arises between our indigenous communities.


  1. Establish commercial law and investment policy to lead economic development.


The establishment of commercial law and investment policies has specific advantages; these policies attract foreign investment – creates employment, increases living standards and can lead to a technological development in the long run through technology transfers. Furthermore, the country will realize positive level of economic development. One of the major benefits of economic development is improved human capital, sound infrastructure, environmental awareness, and much needed health care and good social services. With economic development, the country also attains advanced level of human capital development. This means an improvement in the skills, talents and education of the general population through the provision of good schools, quality learning environments and materials. The citizens of Somaliland are the guiding engineers of all aspects of our development, therefore, common sense dictates to invest on our people and enable them to acquire the education, training and skills they need. The government must make available good educational institutions, formal instruction from well-equipped schools with modern laboratories and other learning aids.


In order to acquire this education, they must receive training or formal instruction from well-equipped schools with modern laboratories and other learning aids. Sometimes the training is acquired on the job as they learn and grow from experience. Like any caring president, Honorable Jamal Ali Hussein understands that path to sound economic development is through talented skillful human capital, one of the major factors that lead prosperous economic development.


  1. To establish policies to eliminate corruption:


Corruption negatively impacts the growth rate of the GDP, total employment, and direct foreign investment, the level of democratic progress, education, judicial efficiency and economic freedom. It is an evil practice that runs incongruent to all forms of well-intentioned policies. Every academic research that has been undertaken supports that corruption is the major culprit and obstacle to economic development. Corruption and nepotism rot good intentions and retard all forms of progressive policies aimed for a forward moving. We cannot afford to let the culture of corruption continue unabated if we are serious about the welfare of our citizens. Corruption is definitely detrimental on human capital development including the skilled citizens mandated to run administrative institutions of the government and breed’s social decay, indifferent to the economic performance, mounting social frustration emanating from the injustice of corruption and political short comings menacing the existence of our nation.


The perception of society towards corruption must change. This can only be achieved through well-co-ordinated communication intended to educate our population and persuasive enough that they have vested interest to declare war on corruption, as it is an endemic parasite that preys on the welfare of every citizen. Together we must establish a policy for its eventual eradication. As for this young aspiring candidate, free zone of corruption is not acceptable. Maintaining the current degree of nepotism in our political practices creates another layer of exclusion, protects political dynasties and creates the appearance of politicians and their families trying to pilfer as much as they can.


  1. To Encourage Ministerial Accountability and Transparency:


In every democratic politics, the mechanism for ministerial accountability is paramount, because without it the citizens will be on be the dark about the day to day activities of the government. Accountability acts as a necessary requirement that ensures the responsiveness of our government to the public. Ministers are directly accountable to parliament for both their own policies and the actions of their departments, as fundamental principle of representative government demands that the president and his cabinet are directly accountable to the elected parliament and ultimately to the people. Consequently, the most effective and efficient way in which the government can be held to account by parliament is through the questioning of its ministers.


The constitution of Somaliland Republic stipulates that the elected parliament can demand the presence of any minister of the government and be available for questioning and must provide accurate and truthful information pertaining to their own policies and the actions of their departments. Any ministers who knowingly mislead the parliament will be expected to offer their resignation to the president.


The presidency of Jamal Ali Hussein understands the importance of this issue and is dead serious to appoint a cabinet that would be accountable to their executive mandate.




A younger president would be best for our country today because he understands the new world as it is today and can respond better to the social and economic issues facing our younger generations. A younger president has more brain cells and can withstand the day to day stress of the responsibility, in the meantime, a young president is inclined to be more conversant and in touch with the new occurrence in the international arena and would understand the world politics as it is today.


Finally, as a potential future President of Somaliland Republic he will chart out economic and political policies aimed to perpetuate and strength our young democracy, establish sustainable peace and human development, institutionalize achievable policy that seeks to eliminate the root causes of all forms of conflict, offers social justice, and builds respectful relationships.


In addition, he has specific plans to compact the systemic culture of corruptions in our country. High on his agenda is the need to establish commercial law and investment policy that will lead economic development. These policies are designed to turbo-charge the domestic economy, to generate real jobs for the representative citizens. Without a doubt, Jamal’s practical economic and business acumen is a viable strength that will contribute to the success of his leadership.



By Adam Mohamed Egeh