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Dahabshil CEO Mr. Abdirashid Mohammed Duale said that progress can be achieved when the community and the government work together. Mr. Abdirashid, who spoke about the construction of the Waahen market, said that progress can be achieved when people work...
Last week, we looked at investing in Somaliland, whose economy is characterized by its informality, and entrepreneurship. This week, we delve into different sectors, starting with the telecommunications market, which is booming, but still facing many challenges. Booming Telecom Sitting at...
Somaliland has achieved what neighboring Somalia has failed to do for years: peace, stability, an end to terror – and that with almost no international help. How does it work? Pizzerias, burger shops and cafés with barista lattes have been around...
Giant Leak of Offshore Financial Records Exposes Global Array of Crime and Corruption Millions of documents show heads of state, criminals and celebrities using secret hideaways in tax havens By The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists Apr 4, 2016 In this story Files...
By Goth Mohamed Goth H.E President Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Silanyo today received American Tycoon and international entrepreneur Mr. John Moore who is visiting the country on a familiarization tour and also as part of a follow-up of last year’s Somaliland...
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) offers potential opportunities for Somaliland’s economy, even though it is not likely to be part of the AfCFTA in the short to medium term. The potential opportunities are, first, Somaliland could address domestic...
China's economy grew at an annual rate of 7.9% between April and June, up from 6.1% in the first quarter, thanks to the government's big stimulus package. The country's quickening economic expansion comes as most nations in the West continue...
Haji Mohamed Saeed Duale, the chairman of the Dahabshiil Group companies, last week cut the ribbon to a brand new modern bridge build by funds donated by the Dahabshiil Group of Companies in the city of Burco, Togdheer region. The...
By Goth Mohamed Goth The opening of the New Bodhari Mills facility was held in a magnificent ceremony on Monday at the company premises in Abaarso district of Maroodi Jeh region. Among those attending the opening ceremony was H.E Abdurrahman Abdullahi...
He is the first black chief executive of a FTSE 100 company - though he hates people dwelling on that. He is only 47, but has already been a government minister in Ivory Coast as well as a top businessman. Last...