A Somali pirate kingpin nicknamed "Big Mouth" has renounced a life of hijacking ships. Before his announcement on Friday, Mohamed "Afweyne" Abdi Hassan's profession earned him fame and fort une - prior to an international naval crackdown that has curbed...
Tuesday, January 01, 2013   A Labour MP has accused the government of complacency and putting the public "at greater risk" by changing the way some terror suspects are monitored. Pat McFadden's comments come as police continue to search for Ibrahim Magag,...
A 3G network has been launched by Somalia's leading telecommunication operator Hormuud Telecom to allow mobile and computer based users to enjoy the fast internet service. At a press conference during the launch, Hormuud Telecom chairman Mr. Ahmed Mohamud Yusuf...
The Somali Parliament has rejected the country’s budget after a series of debates. The budget has already sparked intense debates among members of parliament and was postponed on several occasions. Parliament speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari announced that seventy members of...
FIFA helps Somalia revive its oldest and largest sporting facility in the capital after years of unrest (Photo/Midnimo). The Somali Football Federation (SFF) this week unveiled the first phase of the renovation of Somalia's oldest and largest football facility. The renovation...

Somalia in a nutshell

The early years and independence 1936-88 The British, who already control Somaliland, oust the Italians and occupy Italian Somalia. British and Italian parts of Somalia become independent, merge and form the United Republic of Somalia in 1960. Somalia becomes a socialist...
African Union Mission in Somalia Force Commander Lieutenant General Andrew Gutti (centre) walks with Djiboutian commanders during a tour of Beledweyne in the Hiran region. Somali and allied forces plan to take more towns in the region from al-Shabaab...
The Indian government will actively support Somalia's capacity to rebuild its defense forces in order to enhance the overall security in the region. It was announced by the Indian High Commissioner in neighboring Kenya, Sibabrata Tripathi, during an official...
Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud left the Somali capital on Sunday for Djibouti to attend a convention marking the 40th anniversary of Somali language reforms. This is the second visit by Mr. Mohamud to the tiny Red Sea nation...
Mogadishu (Africareview) A newly appointed Somalia Minister Mr Abukar Hassan Ali has resigned, citing clan expectations. The resignation came a day after his appointment as Deputy Minister by the country’s Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon. The PM also nominated 5...