By: Prof. Abdi A. Jama.

What about if it is you who suggested separation first?.What would happen?!!!!!  Yes……yes….It is us who are determined to get back our sovereign independent state. Not being recognized has nothing to do with you as Mogadisho people as such. It would be the same for you, were you put in our shoes. Had you have the initiative of seceding yourself from Hargeisa, you would not have been able to do so according to international law, unless we agree. However, it happened that Hargeisa  wishes to leave this time,  and has not been recognized so far. So, there is nothing special Mogadisho has for Hargeisa.


Having said that, we should not feel ashamed to ask you for leave. Similarly,  you should not feel  being in a better position or somewhat superior by being asked for that. Simply because, the situation could have been the opposite or reversed. For instance, when Moscow– the head-quarter of former Soviet union –wanted to separate itself from the rest of USSR. It had not done so unilaterally, because it could not had done so from international law perspective. Moscow  had actually reached an agreement with each and every republic of former soviet union. Other-wise, it would not had been possible for Moscow to leave or abandon the rest of the country.


So, it is something normal to do such business with each other, provided that you don’t misconstrue and think that you have some power over us. I know you—Mogadisho people– are very prone to fall in this fallacy. Simply because, I  ,very well,  understand psychology of Mogadisho people and  how they see life. As a student who lived in Mogadisho for five  years, a Mogadisho guy, even in his narrative of every day events, he tells you that someone has been sucked, beaten or got rid of.  They see life as fight in  jungle, every one is trying hard to win unkindly over the rest. This is my judgment or perception of them. I could be wrong. However,  To be fair, we cannot always generalize . To my knowledge, many good mogadisho people are alaways out there.


People with such attitude, can easily misunderstand Somaliland case, not only denying history of the two countries and the union, but also they may assume that such a situation is strength for them and weakness for Somali-land. And this may lead them to reserve what they believe to be a privilege for them, so , we—Somalilanders– would be deprived of rational partner with whom we could do business with. And that is why I wrote this article, at least, for those of them who are educated and free from shackles of Mogadisho culture.


All in all, Hargeisa has nothing special for Mogadisho, and Mogadsiho has nothing special for Hargeisa. It is a normal deal. Yesterday,  union. Today, separation.  Either Mogadisho or Hargeisa could have launched such initiative and the other should respond rationally and responsibly as a reliable partner. If not, the road would be rough apparently for both of us. If , so far, not convinced, ask history how things would end up in such situations.







  1. Hargeisa, all the territory of Somaliland, and Somaliland and its people are possessors, and the owners of an ancient history. They are people who have several civilizations under their built. They are the people who were the pioneers of enlightenment, education, commerce, and poetry. They were always the initiators, the inventors, in other wards they were the drivers of history, they always through out history were dominant people. They were always the pioneers of religion,no wonder all the Muslim scholars, and all the people who were spreading Islam in the Horn of Africa are from the Republic of Somaliland. Somaliano-italiano is a relatively new place with far more inferior history. Through out the short period of interaction with them, there were nothing good that came from there that spread to Somaliland. For the last 40 years, they were spreading and engaged in dictatorships,warlord-ism and violence. No amount of foreign involvement can straighten up that culture and its people. I am afraid they are not in a position to achieve any semblance of order and government. That brief, brutal, and painful interaction has ended in 1991, when they were ejected violently from the Republic of Somaliland through a destructive war of liberation. Viva Somaliland

    • Facts you have spoken and indeed you cogently stated our history as it should be. The land of Punt and Adel are well documented in the annals of history.

  2. Conditions of re-union or what we can call reunification of what formerly was known as Somali Republic

    a) New name of the two countries to reunify : Repbulic of Isaaq and Hawiye Land – subject to negotiaton
    b) Capiital of the new republic : Hargeisa for the next 3000 years – not subject to negotiation l
    c) President for the 1000 years to come – Isaaq – not subejct to negotiation
    d) Prime Minster for the 2000 year to come – Isaaq – not subject to negotiation
    e) Miinister of defence for the 2000 year to come – Isaag – not subjct negatiation
    f) Chief of Staff – Isaaq for ever – not subejct to negotiation
    g) Minister of Interior – Isaaq for ever – not subject to negotiaton
    H) Minister of Finance – Isaag for ever – not subejct to negotation
    I) All ambasaors – Isaaq for the 40 years to come, after that 50/% Isaaq – not subejct to negotiation
    j) Compensation of around 150 billion dollars to be distributed to the people who loss relatives and properties.
    K) Distribution of all resources: 65% for Somaliland people and the rest for others.
    :l) Porportion of police and army force: 65% from somaliland and the 35 % from South – Not subejct to
    subejct to negotiaton

    Who have the courage and guts to accept above? If Hassan Culusaw and hotch-potch cabinet, will agree all above conditions, Somaliland will be ready for re-unification,

    • That is what I call a diehard lander except I will increase the compensation to a kool 4 trillion Dollars. 150 billion dollars is a cup of tea.

      • Daljirka,

        thank you, but I forget to add: porportion of parilament: 50/50 – not subejct to negotiation

        • Since we are in fantasyland.

          I say we should name the former Somali Republic. The Federal Darood Republic of Greater Somalia.

          Now with that said, dear Somalinimo haters, you should admit the only reason you don't want to part of Somalia is your clan on it's own is minority. So the only solution to your minority size is to carve out your own State, out of The Somali Nation. My prove even when talk from fantasyland you always have Hawiye in mouth. Even when you were fighting Siade Barre you ran to the Hawiyes and betrayed them. Trust me Hawiyes have learned from your back stabbing ways.

          Which brings me to why you hate Darood so much because they live were you to take and have a size that is so much larger then yours. Siade Barre is just a mad man, who you use to hide your true ambitions. Which is a state for Isaaqs, by Isaaqs and only Isaaqs. Thats why you are facing bullets in SSC and are slowly awaking the Awdal people to your true intentions. There was a video where I've seen a Awdal elder say these guys talk one way, and the next day pull out SNM from the pocket.

          Watch the Videos and see the feelings of reer Awdal. Also watch the video of The honorable President of the Federal Republic of SOmalia, talk about, how your beloved Britain is supporting and stand by one Somali. Or is that too painful.

          • MR TMT dynamo I can never understand you bcoz simply we don't belong and share
            the same psychology. I don't have serious problems with The SSC and Awdal people
            that you and other naysayers wailers waste much of their time. The Somaliland Nation
            and Govt as a country are peaceful and stable and in good controls of their destiny
            within their demarcation Colonial boundaries under the watchful vigilante good all round
            governance true leadership of its people and Govt. Therefore your ill-fated demonising
            advertising slogans would have no effect whatsoever. Keep beating your empty dooms.

  3. nagu ” MAG” Ma Kala Qaadanno Ciise, Reer Dudub baa lanna yidhaa……….Samarroon qaabili maayo Qaxooti dambe. Halkan Ka Daawo

  4. Midnimada Soomaaliya waa lama taabtaan “min Saylac illaa Raaskaambooni oo hal calan leh” . M/weyne Xasan Sheekh. VIDEO

    • First of all there is nothing called Somalia. Secondly you need to unify your own places which are highly plariziation. Afkaaka xon kadaa Zeila ma Gaydids. AFkaaga xun yaa ximaar

    • Is your present's video holistic? which no one can against it. Sometimes humans refuse to accept things they feel that it is not fair to them! I did not watch your present's video, because I know it is fantacy rather reality. Make safe place your Mogadishu and be generous enough to leave Somalilanders and their country alone.

  5. Madaxwayne Kuxigeenka Awdal State Mudane Abdiraxman Oo Safar Shaqo Ugu Anbabaxay Xarunta Midawga Yurub Ee Buruxsel Iyo Barlamanka Midowga Yurub Oo Casuumay

    Madaxwayne Kuxigeenka Awdal State Mudane Abdiraxman Oo Safar Shaqo Ugu Anbabaxay Xarunta Midawga Yurub Ee Buruxsel Iyo Barlamanka Midowga Yurub Oo Casuumay

    madaxwayne kuxigeenka awdal state mudane abdiraxman abdilaahi ayaa safarshaqo ugu anbab baxay xarunta midowga yurub ee buruxsel halkaasi oo uu kahelay casuumay casuumadan ayaa ah xogwayraysi iyo bayaamin ujeedada iyo hadafka siyaasadeed ee maamulka awdalstate midowga yurub ayaa baryahan danbaba fiiro gaara u lahaa kacdoonka kajira gobolada waqooyi iyaga oo sigaara isha ugu hayay ku dhawaaqistii maamul goboleedka awdal state

    xubin kamida barlamaanka midowga yurub ayaa hordhigtay bishii aan soodhaafnay ee abril dakamoontari aay diyaariyeen muwadiniin reer awdal state ah oo aay kadaacad tahay sidii aay xal ugu helilahayeen xaqiijinta mustaqbalka dadyowga ku dhaqan awdal salal iyo gebiley xubintan hordhigtay dakamontareyga barlamaanka midowga yurub oo lagu magacaabo david lynches ayaa midowga yurub ku canaanatay xal uhelida mushkilada katagan somaliya mr david lynches ayaa barlamaanka midowga yurub ka codsaday in bulshada awdal state aay dhamaan bulshada caalamka ee danaysa xalu helida mushkilada somaliya aay kamudanyihiin inay tageero buuxda isla garabtagaan awdal state

    hadaba 2 todobaad kahor ayaay lasoo xidhiidheen xubno kamida midowga yurub madaxwayne kuxigeenka awdal state xubnahan ayaa kacodsaday madaxwayne kuxigeenka inuu kusoo booqdo xarunta midowga yurub ee buruxsel safarkan madaxweyne kuxigeenka ayaa ah mid guul tariikhi ah usoo hoyndoona bulshada awdal state

  6. Since we are in fantasyland.

    I say we should name the former Somali Republic. The Federal Darood Republic of Greater Somalia.

    Now with that said, dear Somalinimo haters, you should admit the only reason you don't want to part of Somalia is your clan on it's own is minority. So the only solution to your minority size is to carve out your own State, out of The Somali Nation. My prove even when talk from fantasyland you always have Hawiye in mouth. Even when you were fighting Siade Barre you ran to the Hawiyes and betrayed them. Trust me Hawiyes have learned from your back stabbing ways.

    Which brings me to why you hate Darood so much because they live were you to take and have a size that is so much larger then yours. Siade Barre is just a mad man, who you use to hide your true ambitions. Which is a state for Isaaqs, by Isaaqs and only Isaaqs. Thats why you are facing bullets in SSC and are slowly awaking the Awdal people to your true intentions. There was a video where I've seen a Awdal elder say these guys talk one way, and the next day pull out SNM from the pocket.

    Watch the Videos and see the feelings of reer Awdal. Also watch the video of The honorable President of the Federal Republic of SOmalia, talk about, how your beloved Britain is supporting and stand by one Somali. Or is that too painful.

  7. Whether your a Unionist or Secessionist watch the Videos. I thanked Allah for youtube. Because it allows me to dispel the lies of some people.

    Reer Somaliland says, oh Awdal is where Somaliland was founded, really if that is the case then why is reer Awdal split between pro-Somalilanders that are complaining of ill behavior from Somaliland administration and Awdal State supporters, who despises you any every way. Going all the way to Europe just to say these folks don't represent us. The way I say Reer Awdal is on the brink of War with SNM, which would a second front in already on going War between Reer Khaatumo mand Reer Somaliland. SO please do me a favour and keep up this BS. Until it becomes the end of SOmaliland you dream of.

    Or you can put SNM in check and reapproach the other communities and a respectful and dignified way. Which would lead to there happiness and your secession. Meaning you get go and they get to stay.

    Good day Reer Fantasyland.

  8. Somalia-Italia and it's aspiration of having up to 6 federal states that all share disputed borders is in no position to embark on a single moment of soliciting another Sovereign state to sacrifice it's hard earned re-independence so as to enter into any form of political entanglement that is doomed to fail in it's infancy.

    The international community should invest a few moment to redirect their focus on realigning Somalia-italia's aspirations with reality as opposed to continuing to entertain delusions and fantasies born out of the frustration of somalia-italia's leaders learning to stand on their own feet.

    As with everything else do the leaders of Somalia-Italia hope the international community will create a reunion on their behalf?

    They might as well raise their expectation and dare to dream of Union of 5-Somali regions and beg Djibouti to spearhead a revival of the 1960ies Unionist ideology.

    If reality was worth anything to the leaders of Somalia-Italia they would recognize each passing day the hatred being brewed in the hearts of all Somalis will see to it that Somalia-Italia will fragment into countless autonomous states that share only a colonial past and an independence from Italy on the 1-Jul-1960.

    Somalila-Italia has only it's pain and suffering to share with any state that might have considered a Union with it. It is a country that is akin to toxic share holding and the owner is forever at risk of penalties for possession or even association.

    A state that has it's level of liability is not in a position of strength to demand others to form a Union with it. It is criminal and akin to a HIV sufferer covering up the fact from potential marital spouse. Such an act is criminal to say the least.

  9. As a Somalilander who used to live in Mogadishu, Those Mogadishu people or for that matter Southern Somali people like to con you, like lie to you and like to rip you off anything and everything. That is their motto and I am glad we Somalilanders come to the conclusion, not to take any more lies and pure fabrication scenarios that destroys the soul of humanity. Every single one you meet is A Dr, and they did not even finish the 8th grade. They cheat, lie, corrupt and have mafia mentality. We are very different people and according to those who are Anthropologists and study a Man's culture found out that Somaliland and Southern Somalia are completely two different societies. It was my hope since 1960, when Somalilanders redeem their god given freedom and their liberty and sovereignty.

  10. Tellmetruth, the people of Awdal cannot go anywhere else except in Somaliland. Just look the location they live in and their surroundings, so stop the madness that is in you. Brothers and Sisters in that part of Somaliland are real Somalilanders by default, and will continue to be just that. So stop spreading hate among the brothers and sisters in Somaliland.

    God forbid, just imagine if things go the way you want, how do you thing they will survive, Essa at the West, and South West, Ishaqiyuun at the East and West. The only out let for them is the sea. Do you want that to happen? I am sure you don't want that, hence stop hate and come back to your sense.