HE President Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Silanyo has issued Presidential decree #, JSL/M/XILQ/249/1-2455/052014 relieving of their duties the Assistant Minister of Interior and in Charge of National Security, Head of the Presidential Guard, the Regional Governors of Sahil, Gabiley, Sanaag , Director General in the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Director General In the Ministry of Information , National Guidance and Culture.

List of Sacked Officials

1.       Mr. Abdullah Abokor  Osman, the Assistant Minister of Interior and in Charge of National Security

2.       Major Feisal Kamil Essa , Head of the Presidential Guard

3.       Mr. Yusuf Ibrahim Geedi, Governor of Gabiley Region

4.       Mr. AbdiRashid Jibril Yusuf, Director General in the Ministry of Information, National Guidance and Culture.

5.       Mr. AbdiRashid Abdullah Mohamed, Director General in the Ministry of Religious Affairs


I do hereby on behalf of the Government of Somaliland take this opportunity to thank the outgoing officials for the servitude to the nation

I expect the outgoing officials will transfer the offices in an orderly manner to the newly appointed officials.

Signed By

Ahmed Saleban Dhuhul

Presidential Spokesperson