Marine Gen. Thomas Waldhauser, commander of AfriCom, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he expected the Chinese base on the Horn of Africa to be operational later this summer. Without getting specific, Waldhauser said he recently met with Djibouti’s...
H.E President Ahmed Mohmed Mahmoud Silanyo today met with the heads of the three official political parties namely KULMIYE, WADDANI and UCID, together with representatives of the national electoral commission (NEC) to discuss the issue pertaining the holding of...
 H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi has hailed the National Police Force (NPF) for the gigantic achievements that they have made for the past 25 years since it was last initiated the forces for their selfless diligence constantly as they went about their...
M.A. Egge The new minister of education Hon. Osman Jama Adan took over the mantle of his portfolio from the outgoing minister Hon. Yasin M. Hiir who was moved to the foreign docket. Hon. Osman who happens to be a veteran...
  <img alt="Celebrities and social media stars united to raise $1 million in 19 hours to support food aid in Somalia." class="media__image" src=""> Celebrities and social media stars united to raise $1 million in 19 hours to support food aid...
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — One of Kenya's most vilified institutions — its police force — will be in the spotlight next week during its efforts to prevent the same type of post-election bloodbath that Kenya suffered during its last presidential election. Kenya on...
The President H.E. Ahmed Mohammed Mohamud Silanyo inaugurated yesterday a modern emergency services casualty department for the Hargeisa Group Hospital, the largest public health facility in the country. The President cut the ribbon of the facility which carries 50 beds...