MOGADISHU -- Renewed clan warfare threatens the future of Kismayo, where African Union and Somali troops earlier this week pushed out Islamic extremists. Kismayo was the last bastion controlled by al-Shabab, the radical Islamists allied to al-Qaida who taxed goods...
Wednesday, September 26, 2012   Aircraft target airport in southern city of Kismayo, where Kenya says al-Shabab is operating its last major base. Kenyan fighter jets have bombarded an airport in southern Somalia, where they are fighting al-Qaeda linked al-Shabab fighters, officials...
Six civilians have been shot dead by a Kenyan soldier advancing towards the al-Shabab stronghold of Kismayo, the Kenyan army has confirmed. The soldier has been detained pending an investigation, it said, noting the incident followed a militant attack. Somali army...
I would like to inform our President his Excellency Hasssan Sheikh Mohamud that all the African Governments, Kingdoms and many other nations have already received my message as Somalia's most educated Prime Minister and they encouraged me with complimentary...
Nairobi, September 21, 2012-Unidentified gunmen killed veteran Somali journalist Hassan Yusuf Absuge in Mogadishu this morning, just hours after he had reported on an explosion that killed 14 people including three of his colleagues. The assailants shotHassan three times in...
Nairobi, September 20, 2012-Three Somali journalists were killed and at least four were injured in a suicide bomb attack in a Mogadishu café today, according to news reports and local journalists. The attack took place across the street from...
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia's al Shabaab Islamist rebels fell back on their last bastion on Wednesday, pouring hundreds of fighters into the port city of Kismayu and raising fears of a bloody showdown with advancing African Union soldiers, residents...
Mary Harper will begin her book tour in the USA on Tuesday, September 25th at The Fletcher School, Tufts University, Boston, MA.  Mary will be speaking about Getting Somalia Wrong? Faith, War and Hope in a Shattered State at the following venues. Please...
  GENEVA (Reuters) - Hawa Aden Mohamed won the United Nations refugee agency's Nansen Refugee Award on Tuesday for her work in helping thousands of Somali women and girls, many of them rape victims, start new lives in their battered...
Mogadishu, Jul 14 2009 -- Gun battles in Somalia are continuing as government forces and opposition fighters vow to press their fight for control of the country. The exact details of who is holding the upper hand in battle is...