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A Constitutional Solution To The Political Crisis In Somaliland


HARGEISA, 08 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – In the early 1990s, “it was hoped that the introduction of new constitutions with a two-term limit on power would consign the ‘big man’ syndrome of African politics to history.” The political culture on the continent has transformed considerably since the end of the Cold War. Conversely, the attraction of power remains a strong motivating factor for many leaders. Undeniably, current years have witnessed a number of heads of state attempting to extend their tenure beyond the constitutionally permitted number of terms, or uphold power via a back-door strategy of hand-picking a docile successor and remaining in the powerful post of the chairman of the country’s dominant political party.

Somaliland which is unrecognized has followed this democratic trail in order to transform the African political culture. After the collapse of the dictatorial regime in the former Somalia, Somaliland reconsidered its political destiny and changed the African political tradition of the ‘Big Man’ term to a limited tenure. Since then, Somaliland has been referred as an example of the revival of vanished democratic regimes in Africa. It was in 2003 when the current president of Somaliland was elected as the first democratically elected president since the 1960s. Before that, it was predicted that such a move will result the understanding of the new political tradition in Africa.

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After the end of the constitutional term of the president, the House of Elders held a session for the extension of the president to another term. This has negatively reacted been to the opposition parties who argued that the extension was unconstitutional. However, there was no formal constitutional case opened before the Constitutional Court of Somaliland for the adjudication of the matter. As result, the supreme body which the constitution obliges to monitor and interpret any constitutional dispute has become silent. Since then, there has been a political calamity in Somaliland which still lacks a joint and collective accord. Therefore, this article will explore the legal aspect of the previous presidential extensions. Secondly, the article will assume that there may not be election which will be held on 27 September 2009. Thirdly, the article will critically scrutinize the constitutional arguments of the government and opposition leaders. And finally, the article will forecast the role of the constitution in such a crisis and will attempt to unearth a constitutional solution to this political crisis

The constitutionality of the extension of the presidential term

Most post-cold war African constitutions do not legalize an extension of presidential term through constitutional process. Unlike other countries, Somaliland inserted an article in its constitution which provides the extension of the president and the vice president for an unspecified term of office. Importantly, the constitution sets pre-requests for the extension of the term of the president. Article 83 (5) provides that, ‘if is not possible, due to the circumstances related to the security and stability, to hold the elections of the President and the vice president when their term of office ends; the House of Elders must increase the duration of their powers while taking into account the time in which it is possible to overcome these difficulties and to hold the election’. The article mandates the House to exercise their constitutional powers to extend the term of the president and the vice president of the country to another term in which they are able to organize and hold elections. In this article there is a pre-requisite that needs to be encountered before the House extends the tenure. Security and stability which can be regarded as interchangeable terms are the key requirements of possible constitutionally permitted extension.

On 8 April 2008 the House of Elders held a session to debate and discuss the possibility of the extension of the president and the vice president of the Republic. Eventually the House deliberated as follows:

‘–the Guurti realizing the elections not meeting their schedule because of different reasons, the biggest one of which was the disagreement on the creation and approving of NEC, as well as Kulmiye party not naming their rightful candidate for a long time. Likewise, understanding the impossibility of holding elections without voter registration, the members of the [House] underline that the planning for the registration, budget, securing the funding, attaining of modern technical know‐how remain the main reasons the election not meeting their deadline. On the other hand the House believes the impossibility of holding elections without voter registration because of insecurity that might arise to hold elections without knowing and registering those casting their votes. Therefore, the extension of the President and the Vice‐president term was based on these reasons which are in agreement with article 83 Paragraph 5 of the Constitution of Somaliland.

The House further stated that:

‘The conditions relating to security in the eastern regions of Somaliland where there is insecurity. Secondly, the pressure and constant interference coming from the authority that intend to come back to the areas in Somaliland that they were pushed from and are mobilizing themselves. Thirdly, the population in the eastern regions need time for reconciliation among themselves so that an atmosphere that enable them to participate in the voter registration and local and presidential elections which they did not directly participate before be attained. It is constitutionally imperative and sacrosanct that elections take place in all the regions and districts of the Republic of Somaliland so that territorial integrity of the country is secured.

As the article states the only constitutional justification that the Guurti can extend their term of the president and the vice president is for security purposes. Security means that there is no possibility that the election can take with peaceful means. A similar case happened during the war between the collapsed state of Somalia and the former dictatorial regime of Ethiopia. At the time there was a slogan which could reflect the security situation of the country. Hold your guns on one hand while you are using the other for voting. These following should be met when analysing security as a constitutional justification for the extension of the term of the president and vice president

• Interstate war
• Intrastate war
• Civil disobedience
• Natural disasters

Therefore, the constitutional justifications mentioned in the decision made by the House of Elders in which they used to extend the current regime are contrary to Article 83 (5) of the Constitution.

The feasibility of the presidential election

In 2008 the NEC and the international community represented by Interpeace agreed that they should prepare the voter registration list which theoretically will make sure that fair and free elections are held. Beginning in October, 2008, Interpeace collaborated with NEC and the current regime to begin the voter registration process. Due to unforeseen discrepancies and alleged multiple votes in this system, however, the Commission has suspended the voter registration list on the grounds that it is not valid and inaccurate. The oppositional leaders contended this decision and argued that the Commission cannot unilaterally suspend the list. On the contrary, the president and the Commission argued that they have the legal authority to suspend the list in which they alleged that it is invalid and incorrect. This legal tension has changed into a political confrontation between opposition leaders on the one hand and the Commission and the president on the other hand. Previously the three political parties and the government agreed that the election date would be 27 September 2009. This date may not be logic for free and fair election. It is there forecasted that the election may not be feasible to be held the proposed date due to the political conflict between the contesters. Therefore, the paper assumes that the election may not happen on the agreed date and then as result of this, the extended term of the president and the vice president ends. Therefore, the question would be is there a constitutional solution to this problem.

Contested issues

After the suspension of the voter registration list, the oppositional parties announced that they are not in support of the unilateral suspension. On the other hand, the government and the Commission are sticking on to their position that the list is invalid and incorrect and, as result, cannot be used as part of presidential elections.
Elders and other foreign mediators mentioned that on the one hand, the opposition leaders argue the term of this government will end on 27 October one month after the date of the election and as result; there should be an interim government which organizes the election within six months should be formed. Conversely, the government argues that it can only be replaced by an elected president and vice president. In the following paragraphs the paper will examine the constitutionality of these arguments.

The possibility of an interim government: a constitutional argument presented by the oppositional leaders

It is undoubted that the current government’s mandate has been extended for one year by the House of Elders with the inconformity of the constitution of the Republic. It is fact that the constitution does not provide the specifications of the extension, yet the Elders used it as means of keeping the current regime in power. This may be regarded as a major impediment to the democratization process of the country.

After the unilateral decision of the Commission, the oppositions argue that there should be an interim government. Article 89 (4) provides that ‘if one of the cases mentioned in article 86 of the constitution happens at the same time to the president and vice president of the Republic; the chairman of House of Elders shall assume the power and the duty of the president of the Republic for an interim period and the election of the president and the vice president shall be held within (60) days from the day in which that case has happened’.

Under this Article, an interim government can only be made when these requirement are met:

• Conviction of a criminal offense which leads to loss of office.
• Inability to fulfil the duties of the office because of ill health.
• Death.
• The President or the Vice-President may forward his written resignation from office to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Speaker of the House of Elders, and the two Houses may, in a joint sitting, accept it or reject it by a (simple) majority of their total membership.
• If the two Houses reject the resignation referred to in Clause 4 of this Article, the President or the Vice-President shall have the right to submit again his resignation within three months of the initial resignation request, whereupon the two Houses shall be obliged to accept it.

It is at this time when the Constitution of Somaliland permits that presidential power should be transferred to the Chairman of House of Elders. According to the argument of the opposition leaders there is no place in the Constitution which permits that an interim government should be established. It would be unconstitutional if the oppositions persist that an interim government should be formed.

An elected president can only be replaced by an elected president: a constitutional argument made by the government

Article 83(3) of the Constitution provides that, ‘the former president and vice president shall continue to exercise their powers until the new president and vice president assumes these powers within a period of one month.’
The term ‘former president and vice president’ signifies that a new president has already been elected. Furthermore, the term ‘new president and vice president’ also clarifies that a new president and vice president has been popularly elected. The article mainly highlights the transitional period of the outgoing administration and upcoming administration. Thus, this Article cannot be applied to the current situation. If the ruling party and the government argue that they can only be replaced by an elected president and vice president and base their argument under this article, they cannot substantiate their constitutional argument under this article. It is evident that there is no elected president and vice president and therefore, this article is irrelevant.

Predicting way forward

Importantly there is no explicit Article mentioned in the Constitution which can be used to diffuse these constitutional disputes between the government and the oppositional leaders. It is therefore, imperative to read the lines and find a constitutional solution to this confrontation.

The role of the constitution of Somaliland

Principally the constitution as the supreme document of the land must have a position to stand in such turbulent situations. According to the articles of the constitution there is no explicit and undisputable article which formulates the way forward in such situations. Although there may be the possibility that the president may again approach the House of Elders and request another third extension of his tenure, this would not acquire a constitutional support. On the other hand, the oppositional leaders and other concerned groups may not be happy with such a move. Therefore, there is a need to resolve this problem through constitutional process.

Founding principles of the constitution

One of the founding articles of the constitution is that decision be reached through joint consultation. This term has been mentioned in the preamble of the constitution which legally does not have a legal binding force. Pre-colonial epoch the Somali people used to resolve their disputes through dialogue, consensus and consultation. Accordingly, this principle can be used to resolve the conflict between the contested parties.

Constitutional principles

Article 9 of the constitution of Somaliland provides that, ‘the political system of the Republic of Somaliland is based on peace, consultation, democracy and multiplicity of the political parties.’ Consultation as a constitutional principle can be used to diffuse the current political disputes.

The role of the Constitutional Court

The constitution established a judicial branch which is mandated to regulate the disputes that may arise between the state and individuals and between individuals. Article 101 provides that, ‘the Supreme Court of Justice is the highest entity in the judicial scale and it is at the same time the Constitutional Court…’ It is therefore, an institution which regulates the constitutional disputes arise from the organs of the state and between the state and individuals. Article 14 of the Law of the Organization of Judiciary provides the composition of the court. In addition, its mandate has been mentioned under Article 15 of this law which explicitly provides the task and the powers of the court. The court has absolute power to determine the constitutionality of certain actions and to rule it impartially. Furthermore, the court has legal power to interpret the provisions of the constitution and other parliamentary acts. With regard to this constitutional dispute the court has power to rule and determine the constitutionality of the two arguments presented by the parties. Principally it would be this court which would ultimately determine the constitutionality of those arguments. the oppositional parties cannot regrettably file their constitutional suit to this court because of its lack of independence.


The paper has explored to find a constitutional solution to the current political crisis in Somaliland. As mentioned in the paper, there is no explicit article in the constitution which can be used to diffuse the current political tensions. The constitution is silent with regard to what will happen if the election does not take place and the constitutional tenure of the government ends. The paper deeply researched and unearthed that the only constitutional solution to this crisis would be the founding principles which are mentioned in the preamble of the constitution and Article (9) which provides the constitutional principles. These two articles provide consultation as part and parcel of the laws of the country. It further states that decisions which are reached through consultation are binding and legally enforceable. Therefore, the only remaining constitutional mechanism that can be used to resolve this political crisis is through consultation, dialogue and consensus.

By: Mohamed Farah Hersi
Hargeisa, Somaliland
Mohamed Farah Hersi is an attorney and human rights researcher. He holds an LL.B (Bachelor of Laws) from the University of Hargeisa in Somaliland, an LL.M (Master of Laws) from the University of Pretoria in South Africa, and is currently a Ph.D. candidate

Somaliland postpones elections again


HARGEYSA (AFP) – The electoral commission in Somalia’s northwestern breakaway state of Somaliland announced Monday that a presidential election due at the end of the month had been indefinitely postponed.

The commission said the election would not be held as scheduled on September 27 and that a new date would be decided at a later stage.

“Considering the political situation in the region and the need for a broader solution, we have decided to delay the election date,” the statement said.

After much bickering, the incumbent regime of President Dahir Riyale Kahin and the two main opposition parties agreed the polls should be delayed following a mediation by the council of elders.

The election has already been delayed twice, notably over a disagreement concerning the territory’s voters’ register.

In July, Riyale and the electoral commission decided to discard a biometric register that had taken two years to set up, prompting fierce protests and threats of boycott from the two main opposition groups.

“It will not be possible for the elections to be held at this point when the political parties in the country are still failing to reach an agreement,” the commission’s statement explained.

Riyale, who was born in 1952 and has been in power since May 2002, is seeking re-election but faces a stiff challenge from Faisal Ali Warabe, of the Justice and Welfare Party, and Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud, of the Development and Solidarity Party.

A former British protectorate, Somaliland united with Italian Somalia in 1960. It unilaterally broke away and announced independence 10 months after Somali strongman Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991.

Somaliland, which has been more stable and economically viable than central and southern Somalia in recent years, is seeking international recognition as an independent state.

Source: AFP, Sept 07, 2009

In Somaliland, Democracy Relies on Healthy Dialogue


HARGEISA, 7 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – When I visited Somaliland in 2003 and traveled from Sanaag to Awdal regions via beautiful and mountainous Sheikh City, I could always see one thing: whatever the town or city, every time I would see locals gathered at some teashops discussing and resolving the great issues of the country in very good-natured and healthy way, I consider such gatherings as Citizen Watchdogs, who could solve the country’s problems better than elected parliaments.

That claim may or may not be true, but as I continued my visit in these enjoyable moments I often thought to myself that the health of Somaliland democracy is sustained by these informal discussions among the citizens. These discussions are replicated countless times across the country and in different forms. At teashops, Kat Chewing sessions, and many other places. This was one of most encouraging democracies, I have witnessed in the Arab and Muslim World throughout my experience.

In Somaliland, when citizens listen to different viewpoints, they come to understand that politicians typically can’t resolve difficult disputes quickly because each one got hidden political agenda: To Become President. However, the people of Somaliland give the politicians enough space to practice their constitutional roles in the politics, but citizens always defuse the tension, in case of politicians fail to end their differences. Mahatma Gandhi said “Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress”. This wonderful democracy in Somaliland allows more than one political view to be expressed in an open discussion, like the current opposition parties.

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In fact, the current criticism by opposition parties over the manner that President Riyale is running the country is essential in democratic systems. They help prevent abuse of power by individuals or groups. Today, the free press and strong opposition parties in Somaliland know everything going around in Somaliland. The Somaliland democracy system always encounter crises; but eventually the system remains stable enough to find compromises or solution in civilized democratic way.

Many Somalis in Puntland – particularly Faroole supporters – believe that Somaliland is disarraying and current political disputes will bring it to end. I don’t blame them, because they never enjoyed or witnessed free democracy like Somaliland in their entire life. They suffered violence and killing, where there is no law-of-order and criminals are ‘HEROES’ in Garowe. They don’t know that healthy disagreements, like in Somaliland politics, are beginning of development process. They should understand such differences don’t reflect on Somaliland’s national interest.

Supporters of Faroole failed to understand that healthy democracies grow stronger from critics. They misbelieve that current election disputes in Somaliland will result chaos, as usual in Garowe city. They don’t know that the government system in Somaliland is very strong, and critics are normal in all democratic societies around the world.

The overarching aim of Somaliland policy is to promote the expansion of democracy in the neighboring countries, as it is the only surviving democracy in the region that is dominated by dictators and military leaders. Somaliland could be described as flower in middle of desert. Somaliland proved all its enemies, including Faroole supporters, wrong and democracy prevails always.

The current political uprising in Somaliland Parliament led by opposition parties like UCID and Kulmiye are sign of free and fair democracy, unlike many neighboring countries that either don’t have parliament or dictator controls it.

In Somaliland, the Opposition Parties control the Parliament with overwhelming majority of about 65% and UDUB, with few seats the parliament, is the ruling party. This promotes accountability, lack of major corruptions and unauthorized use of power by the president and ruling party. Somaliland Parliament controls the activities and transactions of the government.

Recently, Opposition parties in Somaliland took the streets in the major cities of Somaliland including Hargiesa, Gabiley, Burao, Berbera, Erigavo and even Lasacanod. The protestors clashed with the police, and even opposition parties’ use public venue to talk to supporters. This is the free democracy of Somaliland, where neither president and ruling party nor the opposition can take the rule into their hands.

Many factors contributed the current election dispute in Somaliland including the newly installed biometric system, where all Somaliland voters registered electronically using fingerprinting. This system was new to both Somaliland government and Somaliland’s National Election Commission, and until today the server of the system is facing errors. The international community failed to help Somaliland in debugging the server, or provide skilled IT Professionals to Somaliland’s National Election Commission.

Interpeace and EU sponsored the server, but they both failed to debug the errors. The people of Somaliland and government contributed very well in registration process, where government supplied necessary support to the election commission, and 58% of population turned out to the election registration. We can say the new technology let Somaliland and democracy down!


The people of Somaliland, Opposition Parties and Government rely on healthy dialogues that saved their country from the violence, which destroyed the region, and wise chief tribes always look for peaceful solution to all conflicts.
The people should look into their interest, instead of supporting politicians. Somaliland is your asset, so protect it with all possible means.

By: Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi
Email: az.almutairi@yahoo.com

Somaliland Business Review: Adams Inn


HARGEISA, 7 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – As part of the slowly growing business in Somaliland, and part of the country’s development after the devastating civil war in the late 80s, ADAM’S INN is The First INN in Hargeisa, the capital city of Somaliland.

The Inn is situated at a walking distance from the Airport and only three minutes when driving. It has a unique, L-Shaped building on a hilltop overlooking the city. This hotel provides one of the largest and most prestigious lodging facilities in Somaliland.

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The rooms are spacious; the beds are comfortable with fine linens and fluffy pillows in abundance. There are deluxe bath amenities; plenty of light and a hotel management that understand all that a traveler needs.

Adam’s Inn offers comfort, charm, affordability and a friendly and knowledgeable staff that goes out of its way to be helpful. It is the one and only hotel that offers a bird’s eye view of the city. It is a Perfect spot for honeymooners who want to see the great landscape of the city below whilst maintaining their privacy and seclusion.

ADAM’S INN on a quiet hilltop is designed for your undisturbed rest after a long flight or your first stop before you begin a land travel to the other regions. It is a “home away from home” for international and budget-conscious travelers and was officially launched in April this year.

While at Adams Inn, you will still be in contact with the outside world by free wireless internet connection that you can access from your room, lobby or while sitting and enjoying the view of the city in your balcony on the second floor. There is also a powerful telescope that brings the city right before your eyes or allows you to stare at the stars and galaxy at night. In addition, there are other free entertainment facilities such as a pool table (Billiard).

The owner of the Inn who lived in Canada for more than 20 years is now happy to open this hotel in his origin homeland and spend the rest of his life in Somaliland.

For further inquiries and information get in touch with the Inn, you can simply send an email to: adams_inn@yahoo.com

Adams Inn5
Adams Inn
Adams Inn2
Adams Inn3
Adams Inn4

Besieging the parliament and the assault on Somaliland democracy.


Sept 06,2009 (SomailandPress)-Somaliland has accepted, like many other societies in the world, a system of governance in which its core foundation is the parliament. The present Somaliland parliament was the first of its kind in the history of Somaliland that was elected through popular vote in 2005 since the foundation of Somaliland in 1991.

MPs in the parliament consist of a variety of people from different social backgrounds with various political orientations – (descent nationalists, democrats, and half-hearted islamists) and (opportunists, tribal chauvinists, demagogs and bribe-collectors).

Although the majority of the MPs as well as the joint chairmanship of the parliament belong to the oppositoin parties, Kulmiye and UCID, nevertheles often they have never been able to articulate meaningful proposals that reflect the policies of the parties they represent in the parliament nor the grand national interest. Whenever they take initiatives in that direction, in most cases, they fail largely due to the manipulation and the interference of the government through bribes and politcal threats.

So in the eyes of the public, the parliament has been generally seen as a hopeless mechanism which failed the nation and they consider the majority of MPs as seflish individuals who only pursue their interests and hence frustrate the workings of the parliament.

What happened on 28th of August, the parliament was divided into two blocks: those who took a firm stand and stick to what they consider as a national issue and a parliamentary responsibility and those whose intention was to disturb the workings of the parliament of that day. The bone of contention started when the chairperson of the parliament, Mr. Abdirahman Irro saw that six MPs whom he suspended from the parliamentary normal sessions for three days in the previous day for disciplinary purposes were sitting in their seats. When he told them again that they should respect the rules of the parliament and leave the hall of the parliament in comformity with his previous order, they refused. Together with their colleagues from the UDUB Party, they started to throw, crash and overturn chairs and tables, cut microphone wires, tear documents and shout with provocative words.

Having realised that the situation is not normal for discussion, the speaker announced that the session of the day is closed.

Outside the parliament, another history was in the making again like Thursday, the 20th of August; the population of Hargeisa came out to express their anger with those who disturbed the parliamentary proceedings as well as the involvement of the government in this matter, particularly when they saw a huge police presence inside and outside the compound of the parliament. They were chanting slogans to defy the governent’s interference in the seat of democracy – the parliament.
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Another interesting aspect of the events of the day was when one of the closest ministers of the president who often volunteers to face the public when they are angry, thought things were as usual. But indeed that day things were different. People were very angry for this government’s disregard of the law of the country and its intervention of the parliament. The minister was surrounded by angry young people, elderly, women and children. They demanded from him to resign, reminding him to understand the level of the frustration and the anger of the people.

The masses refused to leave and demanded explanation why the government is interfering the parliament. The speaker of the parliament, Abdirahman Irro together with his two deputies came out from the compound of the parliament and addressed the gathering. Four young men from the demonstrators raised him from the ground and put him on their shoulders. The speaker addressed the gathering with calm voice and with dignity and then the masses started to leavethe scene.

The events of the 20th and 28th of August have shown three significant aspects of the current situation of somaliland:

A government and a regime that is losing the confidence of the people by the day,
A parliament which is trying to regain the confidence of the people but still struggling how to achieve this,
Masses that are gradually understanding their rights including the right to demostrate and the right to defend their democratic institutions and the leaders that they think they are on the right side of the constitution.
Dr. Mohamed-Rashid Sheikh Hassan
UCID Vice President Candidate
E-mail: rashid108@hotmail.com

President Riyale Does Not Take Any Move Unless That To His Own Advantage.!!!


A healthy person in office who is more concerned with serving the people than with getting re-elected could accomplish a great deal. however, is a man of heart, and rather than allowing himself to be controlled he sets about making necessary changes. We need sameone even takes responsibility for the power abuse, corruption, Sadly,we would never elect a man of such integrity – a straight forward,honest, caring, Our election process bad habit does not allow for this.

President Riyale does not take any move unless that to his own advantage, including removing and filling in public posts and offices; to keep his presidential office whatever the cost and no regard to integrity of his office. though these acts of selfishness are testing Somaliland public’s patience, yet it is still not too late to find a lasting solution to the problem. this paper suggests that president Riyale is longer Somaliland’s part of its solution but part of its problems.somaliland should now be given opportunity to face post Riyale challenges and opportunities because that is nothing more than what this nation deserves.

I respect the parlamant today for being courageous, interpreting the law; that is their responsibility. You cant have illiterates suddenly become learned people interpreting court orders, even if those orders are written in simple Somali. It would amount to misinterpretation by masquerading politicians purporting to be senior advocates when the competent person authorised by the constitution to preserve and ensure that the rule of law has given a ruling. When they (courts) make pronouncements, we have to obey.But you dont Mr.President, And because I exercised my right to make that clear, I became an enemy of someone seeking to drag me into what was not my own making.

But, one argument’s logic is inescapable. If the Constitution is inherently good, then bad government must be the result of bad politicians. Corrupt government must be the result of corrupt politicians. And wasteful government must be the result of wasteful politicians. Given this truth, does it not also follow that the remedy must begin with removing these politicians from office? Isn’t it illogical to assume that bad, corrupt, and wasteful politicians will correct their own behaviors? And if so, then is it not the duty and responsibility of the voters, like it or not, to remedy the situation by electing new politicians rather than keeping the incumbents responsible for the waste and corruption?

Reforming the internal workings of government is essential to cleaning up government and making it work for Somaliland future instead of against it. We must force reforms such as reducing the influence of huge sums of campaign dollars used as bribes, eliminating exclusionary rules that prevent amendments from being voted on by the Parlament, and end the Committee processes that have become the stalwart of one party extremist government.
we are heading for anarchy.

Any misadventure, any abuse of power, any denial of rights is an abuse of the constitution and when the constitution is not being respected, then you are looking for and promoting anarchy. You are setting a bad precedent which nobody can predict how it will end. Are we building a society that is for the people? Are we protecting the lives and property of our people? Are we promoting and protecting their liberties? Are we working for their happiness? In the drive towards nation-building and development, the people must come first. And if that is the case, then we must be orderly and have respect for the rule of law. We must obey court orders or challenge them if we are not happy. But when it gets to the crunch, we must abide by the ruling.

Revamping our election process would give people like middle-class an opportunity to run for office. We desperately need people whocare more for the common good than for their own popularity.

We need brilliant, creative, honest and caring people to lead our country, but this will never happen with our present goverment system.

Amiin D. Caynaanshe
Columbus, Oh/Usa

Golaha Guurtida oo Go’aamiyay Qodobo ay u arkeen Xalka siyaasadeed ee wadanka


Hargeysa (Somalilandpress)- Golaha Guurtida Somaliland ayaa soo saaray go’aan ka kooban 3 qodob oo ay u arkeen inuu xal u noqon karo soo afjarida khilaafaadka siyaasadeed ee wadanka iyo doorka uu ka qaadanayo Golahaasi.

Saddexdaas qodob oo sidan u dhignaa: –

1. waxaanu mar labaad ayidaynaa go’aankii golahu ansixiyey, dhex dhexaadna noqono sida ku cad go’aanka lamrkiisu yahay GG/JSL/Go’aan-04/08/2008 kuna taakiikhaysan 18/98/2009 ee ka koobnaa 7 qodob.

2. si dhexdhexaadinmaa golaha guuritdu uu xaqiijisanto waa in aan xubnaha goluhu ka mid noqon xisbiyada siyaasiga ee qaranka.

3. in goluhu isagoo dhinaca maslaxad guud ka eegaysa, wuxuu anssixinayaa wixii xal ah ee ay ku soo heshiyaan sadddexda xisbi qaran ee lagu soo afjarayo muranka siyaasiga ee dalka ka tasgan.

Hadii ay ku heshiin waayaan goluhu wuxuu ku hawl geliyaa wajibaadkiisa dastuuriga ah.

Sidaa darteed marka qodobada kor u ku xusan la helo ayaa goluhu u gudbi karaa wajihi karaana wixii khilaafaad ah ee jira, doorkiisana ka qaadan karaa.

Magacayda mudanayaasha:

1. mudan axmed dirir cali 

2. c/raxmaan axmed aaraaye

3. cabdilaahi ibraahim xirsi

4. X. cabdikarin xuseen yuusuf (Cabdi waraabe)

5. maxamed jaamaac abokor

6. muxumed aw. Axmed X. Aadan

7. Cabdisalaan Maxamed siciid

8. Aadan shire faarax

9. cabdiqadir aw xuseen mire

10. axmed muuse obsiiye

11. sahal iidle dirir

12. cabdiqaadir maxamed xassan

13. jaamac faarax axmed

14. nuur riyaale kheyre

15. Sh Maxamuud xirisi faarax

16. Xirsi Ciise Jaamac

17. Yuusuf Cabdilaahi Cawaale

18. C/raxmaan Sh Yusuf Sh Madar

19. C/rashiid Sh cabdilaahi aadan 2

0. Max’ed Maxamuud Yaaasin

21. Saleebaan Garas Seed 2

2. Axmed Daahir Jirde

SRSG welcomes UNPOS visit to Somaliland


HARGEISA, 5 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – A delegation from UNPOS, led by the UN Deputy Special Representative for Somalia Charles Petrie, visited Somaliland this week to meet officials, with a focus on the continued and strengthened engagement of UNPOS in Somaliland.

The delegation also met members of the Government as well as various political parties and civil society representatives to hear their viewpoints.

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The delegation held a constructive meeting with President Dahir Riyale Kahin.

The visit, and in particular the meeting with the President Riyale, was welcomed by the UN Special Representative for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah who said he hoped it was proof of Somaliland’s determination to move towards peace and compromise.

“Somaliland has an impressive history of resolving its internal tensions peacefully and I hope this tradition will be used to address the current challenges,” said Mr Ould-Abdallah.

“For the past two decades Somalilanders have followed the path of dialogue and denounced violence,” he added. “I believe Somaliland can provide many lessons in finding peaceful solutions to the internal crisis.”

Somaliland: Playground for Alshabaab Terrorists, Al-Somali Regime, Al-Garoweonline Tabloid


HARGEISA, 5 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – The current chaotic democracy (or orderly autocracy) in Somaliland attracts familiar vultures. Among them, the blood-soaked Alshabaab terrorists, the besieged Somali regime, and the tribal-oriented Garoweonline news blog all take turns to lash out at Somaliland leaders, instigate violence in the country, and shed crocodile tears for its people’s unrewarded efforts to pacify and democratize their country.

Surely, after the religious cult Alshabaab mastered how to detonate gigantic explosives against innocent Somali civilians in Mogadishu under the false pretences of defending Islam—paradoxically Islam is under attack by the same lunatics who pretend to “defend” it—it [Alshabaab] horns its skills: how to create another deathtrap in Somaliland, an oases of serenity. For instance, Alshabaab’s top murderer Sheikh Mukhtar Abdurahman Abu Zubayr, a wanted criminal who hails from Somaliland, cajoles Somaliland people to revolt against their government—an insidious trap. That is, he demands Somaliland people to start hacking one another to death, instead of challenging their government through legal avenues. http://www.nation.co.ke/News/africa/-/1066/652376/-/136yhwqz/-/

But due to his sever case of selective amnesia what he conveniently avoids mentioning is: he was the brainchild behind the massive suicide bombings in Hargeisa, Somaliland capital, last year October 2008. Over twenty two innocent Somaliland citizens lost their life. See this article: Alshabaab: “The” Number One Enemy of Islam and Somali People http://www.awdalnews.com/wmview.php?ArtID=12037

Now, one wonders wasn’t Alshabaab’s deadly attack against peaceful Somaliland in October 2008 satisfactory for its bloodthirsty mission? Also, what is the main reason behind Mr. Abu Zubayr’s rants?

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Generally, because Somalis are far more loyal to their tribes than Islam or Somalia, Somali officials openly state: while Mr. Abu Zubayr’s Somaliland remains peaceful he wrecks havoc in Somalia. Alshabaab’s top ranks also instructed him to keep a low profile since their struggle against Ethiopia’s occupation ended. So in essence, he may desperately need attention because his terrorist career hangs by a thread. The irony is: Somali tribalism may put the biggest terrorist in Somalia out of commission.

Responding to Alshabaab’s rants towards Somaliland, the current Somali regime led by President Sheikh Sharif or the besieged Mayor of Mogadishu issues a stern warning to Alshabaab. How about getting Alshabaab off your back, never mind helping someone else? The Somali police chief, Abdullahi Hassan Bariis warns Alshabaab criminals not to tamper with “the northern provinces [Somaliland]” of Somalia’s affairs. http://hiiraan.com/news/2009/Sept/wararka_maanta3-7404.htm

But beneath the vacuous warnings from the teeth-less Somali regime which is at the mercy of Alshabaab and controls only few blocks of Mogadishu, much less exercise authority over Somaliland, a different picture emerges. Throughout the earlier fourteen doomed Somali regimes, whenever the former Somali warlords (or the current peace-lords) hit roadblocks stressing peaceful Somaliland as part of Somalia not only soothed their nerves but also helped them cling to their bullet-riddled offices.

Similarly, to obfuscate the reality on the ground and portray Somaliland as nothing more than “northern provinces” of Somalia, Mr. Bariis just like his failed predecessors entertains himself with a hypothetical authority that his besieged regime has over Somaliland. (Whatever rocks his boat!) The truth is: such an imaginary authority may allow him to keep his sanity helmet on temporarily, but what he is not confused about is: if he trespasses into Somaliland soil he will be camping for the rest of his life in the notorious prison Mandheera near port city of Berbara in Somaliland. Hence, for the Somali “officials”, claiming a jurisdiction over Somaliland is quit entertaining; stepping into its soil is a whole new ball game.

Meanwhile, just like Alshabaab and Al-Somali regime, Al-Garoweonline website—a mouthpiece for Puntland authority—is now obsessed with spreading disinformation about Somaliland.

Now sensing the current political crossroad in Somaliland may erupt soon into a massive fireball, an editorial “writer” wannabe for Garoweonlie just like Alshabaab reminds Somaliland people about their horrific ordeals during Gen. Mohammed Siad Barre’s regime, the former Somali dictator of the 90s. (Ooh how nice!) The editorial writer also reminds them the current Somaliland leader Dahir Riyale Kahin worked for the notorious National Security Service (NSS) of Gen. Barre.

But what the author doesn’t tell them is: President Dahir Riyale Kahin despite his current unholy political maneuvers, he is an elected leader. Nor is there a credible proof that links Mr. Kahin to any crimes he may have committed against the Somaliland people during Gen. Barre’s era.

Also, what Garoweonline doesn’t remind them is: Gen. Mohammed Hersi Morgan who hails from Puntland was in fact the criminal who brought Somaliland to its knees in the 80s. He was indeed nicknamed: the butcher of Hargeisa. He once wrote the infamous letter: “The Letter of Death” to the former Somali dictator Gen. Mohammed Siad Barre and purposed a campaign of obliteration against Northern Somalis.

The editorial writer’s crusade against Somaliland respects no bounds; reading between the lines, you will notice the author instead of encouraging Somaliland people to resolve their differences peacefully, just like Alshabaab, he goads them to rid of their current leaders violently. (How about uprooting the well-known corrupted leaders of Puntland, the human traffickers, pirate kings and tribal gangs—the Red Sea Mafia?) See Garoweonline’s tribal rants masqueraded as an “editorial”: http://tinyurl.com/l7njqr

But Garoweonline’s crocodile tears for Somaliland hardly amuse the average grade-five kid in Somaliland, much less persuade the grownups. This tabloid website’s fabricated stories never evade the watchful eyes of staunch Somaliland defenders such Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi either. In one of his articles entitled, “Reliability and Credibility of AllAfrica.com News Coverage in Somaliland and Somalia”, Mr. Al-Mutairi details how Groweonline spreads disinformation about Somaliland. See the article: http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/view/112244

Too often, Garoweonline quotes “credible” yet unnamed sources in its articles (hello). Sorry to burst Garoweonline’s bubble but its sources are as credible as my ninety-years-old grandmother’s superstitious stories. (Give me a break!)

Some readers may mistake Garoweonline’s deceptive editorial for constructive criticism. But its villain attacks against Somaliland has very little to do with Somaliland people’s well-being and has more to do with Puntland’s unwavering efforts to annex parts of Somaliland territory, namely Las Anod, the provincial capital of Sool region in Somaliland.

Pathetically, Puntland argues: the people in Sool region have tribal lineages with those of Puntland. Isn’t tribalism what has destroyed Somalia, in the first place? Similarly, Garoweonline’s editorial could not even hide its true motives as it states, “They [Somalilanders] even supported a war of aggression against Somalis in Sool region – in 2007, when Somaliland troops violently took control of the key town of Las Anod in a military development…”

Garoweonline also defended the notorious war criminal Col. Abdullahi Yussuf—the butcher of Mogadishu—during his campaign of terror against Southern Somalis in 2006-2008 because he hails from Puntland.

To sum up, Alshabaab, Somali regime, and Puntland resolutely disagree on how to quell violence in Somalia but doubtlessly agree on one and ONLY one thing: Somaliland must not break away at any cost, whether that may result its people to disappear from the face of the earth or not.

Also, both Alshabaab and Al-Somali regime’s tug of war over Somaliland boils down to one thing: they both want to recruit young Somalilanders. Al-Somali regime wants to revive Somali unity that its warlords butchered to death. Also, Alshabaab needs recruits for a Somali nationalism that is missing both its arms and legs because Alshabaab amputated them in the name of enforcing its version of “Islam”.

Similarly, Garoweonline’s villain attacks towards Somaliland stem from Puntland’s failure to keep a tribal hegemony over Somaliland regions.

As for Somaliland, its leaders must settle their differences immediately because too many vicious vultures await its demise. Our leaders must prevent ringing the death knell for Somaliland’s demise.

Dalmar Kaahin

Editorial: It is Not the End of Somaliland


HARGEISA, 2 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Whenever there is a political standoff in Somaliland all the doom mongers crawl out of their sewers and start telling the world that this latest political confrontation is the one to signal the end of the Somaliland State! But is it?

It is hard to find many places in the world with the unique arrangement and problems that Somaliland has. To millions of people, it remains an important part of the Somali Republic. To millions of others, it is a sovereign and independent nation. This is why whenever the democratization process in Somaliland hits a snag it attracts comment from supporters and opponents inside and outside Somaliland. The supporters of Somaliland are almost always domestic whilst the opponents are mostly external. In other words, the pro-unity camp resides mostly in Somalia whilst the pro-independence camp hails mostly from Somaliland.

Now Somaliland has a new crisis! It seems that the president of Somaliland has ejected an organization that was helping the country with voter registration and other issues to do with the democratization process. It is reported that the opposition parties are outraged by the actions of the president and have refused to take part in the elections that are due to take place on the 27th of September 2009! It is understood that their anger stems from the fact that the elections were postponed three times already and that one of the major reasons for these postponements concerned the need for voter registration! We’re told that the parliament (or at least its Somaliland equivalent) has disagreed with the president’s decision but that members from his party have disagreed with the parliament and were consequently suspended. We heard that the president ordered the police to surround the houses of parliament and ensure that his evicted members be forcibly reinstated and allowed to take part in debates relating to the elections. We understand that the opposition parties have mobilized their supporters and that demonstrations have taken place in various parts of Somaliland (but mainly the capital and houses of parliament).

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The events and situations related above are all true and clearly confirm the political impasse taking place in Somaliland. However, no one was killed, no buildings were burned and no property was destroyed (save a couple of chairs in the parliament chamber). The way these events have been reported however is what causes many to believe that the end is nigh for Somaliland, but is it?

It is an election year in Somaliland. All political parties are positioning themselves in the most aggressive way possible. All parties want and hope to win. Therefore, the mud is sure to by flying, the accusations dispatched and the insults overflowing. The opposition talks about the secret service history of the president whilst the government supporters retort by mentioning the greed of the eighty-year old opposition leader. The opposition badmouths the president’s wife and talk about her alleged interference in government business, whilst the ruling party sneer at the political immaturity of the opposition. Furthermore, one group accuses the president of being a Somali mole whose ultimate aim is to sneakily return Somaliland to Somalia, whilst the other accuses the opposition leader of having covert dealings with the Somali Republic! In short, both sides are waging dirty political campaigns and spreading negative rumors about the other. Yet, again, nobody died!

The above was all about the internal squabbles in Somaliland and how a rumor and counter rumor is the order of the day there. However, this internal rivalry and political horse trading is also, unwittingly (or maybe indifferently), feeding the external pro-unity hyenas! Now observers from Garowe to Mogadishu to unpronounceable places further south are all (prematurely) declaring the death of the State Of Somaliland! Where in the past they would lay into the entire idea of Somaliland and insult its people, they now, having imagined a glimmer of an opportunity, are praising Somaliland and giving it brotherly condolences for a dream that was not fulfilled! Worse still, they patronizingly offer advice on the best way forward and how Somaliland and its people shall only prosper by returning to the Somali fold!

The pro-unity minority crowd are themselves divided between the government of Somaliland and the opposition. They are unsure of which of the two has the more fertile ground. On the one hand, there is plenty of mileage in referring to the president’s history as an ex- employee of the former Somali dictator and a dictator in the making himself! They can not pass this delicious opportunity to sneer and scoff at a people who defeated one dictator only to be assaulted with another of their own! On the other hand, there is much to be said about an opposition that seems to be outmaneuvered and outgunned. The sentiment seems to be something along the lines of ‘this man is going to bring you and your country down. Come and join us in the South and we shall overcome him by virtue of sheer numbers’.

Then there is the Free Press game. Apparently, the Ogre of Hargeisa has banned Free Press and like many African dictators before him, he is keeping his poor people in the dark! But does any country really need free press in the age of the Internet and satellite TV? Could the president of Somaliland ban the BBC for instance?

The best argument the pro-unity crowd have is the one about an elite group of Somalilanders holding the country hostage to their whims and opportunistic fancies. Yet this was said of the first president of Somaliland. It was said of the second president. It is said of the current president. It is said of the leaders of the opposition. It is said about many of the Somaliland businessmen. The first and second presidents are gone but Somaliland remains. The current president will sooner or later go and Somaliland shall remain. The leaders of the opposition will, in the future, be replaced by new leaders and yet, Somaliland shall continue to be.

Somaliland resisted against all the odds. It resisted against the former dictator Siad Barre with all his power and the support of the outside world. It resisted against a deadly civil war that has devastated Somalia. It resisted against the terrorists and their sympathizers. It will continue resisting everything that is against the humanity, democracy and injustice.

There is a Somali saying “When there is a disagreement, the stupid person thinks it is fighting”.

As long as nobody dies may the hyenas laugh, the opposition wags their fingers and the president rewrite the constitution. It is all good clean fun and it adds to the maturity and progress of Somaliland.

Somalilandpress Editorial