I. Introduction After a bloody civil war, in January 1991 Siad Barre’s Twenty-one-years regime was over thrown in Somalia. The Northern Half of Somalia Declared its Independence as the Republic of Somaliland in May 1991. This outline summarizes the...
As Journalist or journalism field, the entrance of this role is to know the different between opinion and genuine news often to avoid causing further damage and destruction to the society you serve. It is doubtless that mostly unprofessional...
Somaliland has come from a long way to since declaring its independent from the rest of Somalia on 1991. The businesses were booming and were mostly run by women. Its estimated that 70% of the population are women. Despite...
With all my respect of the international Organization, and United States, who are trying hard bring about peace and tranquillity to the Somali people, I forward my humble contributions to the fatal issue as a member of the concerned. May...
WHAT SOMALILAND WANTS? This is the question asked most frequently by both the Somalis and non-Somalis. I shall state the answer to this question as simply as possible:- 1- We want recognition, a full and complete recognition. 2- We want justice, equal...
Euphemism writing here explores deeply what happened to the nation of Somaliland short after the great amalgamation of Somalia and the Somaliland unforgettable leading role for that unification, without condition enthusiastically the republic of former British protectorates of Somaliland...
A boat without a captain always floats over the sea with the mercy of wind and waves. These days Somaliland looks like a boat without a captain, or even a crew. One event after another propels it centre stage, where the sensation...
I am always amazed at the number of opinion pieces that appear on Wardheernews (or as some call it Ogadennews) that are always critical of Somaliland, its government and people.  The people who write these pieces repeatedly accuse Somaliland...
The people of the Republic of Somaliland have been successfully occupied in rebuilding their destroyed country, consolidating its democracy process through free and fair elections for the fifth time, from the local government councils, the national parliament as well...
 Liban Obsiye The opening of the new printing factory in Hargeisa is a welcome relief for students, authors and those interested in diversifying the advertising of their business offerings. This is a sign of progress and an understanding of the...