By M.A. Egge

The Minister of Agriculture Hon. Mahmoud Ige Yusuf, together with his deputy Hon. Mukhtaar Haji Muxumed Farah, and the Director General of the ministry Mr. Abdikarin Aaden Adde, received on Monday the Head of the FAO Agency in Somaliland Mr. Abdulkarim Baha who was accompanied by officials from the agency.

The meeting had two objectives: to introduce the new Ministry of Agriculture and the Head of the FAO Somaliland Office to each other and for the provision of details on the projects supported by the agency.

After the introduction of both parties, the Head of the FAO in the Somaliland Office, and other FAO heads responsible for Somaliland, provided a detailed explanation of the projects such as projects related to improving production and combating locusts and other pests that harm agriculture.

They also provided details on the training support provided to the Ministry of Agriculture officials and farmers in the country, as part of efforts to increase agricultural crop production.

The Minister thanked the heads of the FAO office in Somaliland for their support and their readiness to work with the Ministry of Agriculture in its efforts to ensure that Somaliland achieves food self-sufficiency.